So each country is now free to engage in this zero value games and cry foul when big tech doesn't heed or update quickly enough?
barryrandall 29 days ago [-]
It's great because it gives politicians a foreign enemy to deride, generates lots of online engagement, doesn't impact people's lives in any meaningful way, and when it's implemented, it's only visible to people in the country ordering the rename.
rdsnsca 29 days ago [-]
Canada sees "Gulf of Mexico (Golf of America)" in both Apple and Google maps.
acac10 29 days ago [-]
They always have been.
Falklands vs Malvinas,
Bodensee vs Lake Konstanz,
Lake Geneva vs Lac Léman,
countless islands in South China, Sea (Philippines vs Chinese names),
Japan vs Korean island names,
Chine vs Russian names
and on and on.
Only uninformed people are surprised by this.
asacrowflies 29 days ago [-]
This is still a rather radical departure from the usual way USA handles these type of things....
mediumsmart 29 days ago [-]
Is this about the golfo de gringo loco?
tanseydavid 29 days ago [-]
Yes, and according to Golf Digest, his handicap is as low as 2.8. Can you believe it? Yeah, me neither.
throwaway784989 30 days ago [-]
I wonder why they don't give the US the same courtesy they give other nations and at least provide both names, one in parenthesis. Not that it matters much, this name thing is just distracting nonsense. I'll never stop calling it by its correct name anyway. It doesn't matter what Trump wants. He's not my boss.
vintagedave 29 days ago [-]
> one in parenthesis
This is what I see. Estonian Google (possibly EU-wide?) shows 'Gulf of Mexico (Gulf of America)'. In Estonian, 'Mehhiko laht (Ameerika laht)'.
I don't see why any European version of Maps needs to show the American name at all.
The solution that would liberate Google and not generate confusion and hostility would be for Estonians to use a European mapping service. Better yet, an Estonian one.
prepend 30 days ago [-]
I expect that if you’re in Mexico using Google Maps it will still show “Gulf of Mexico.”
Political boundaries vary in different countries and google maps shows the border differently between India and China depending on where you are using the app.
It’s just a variable name. Different countries call the same thing by different names.
They do, if you're not in the US and subject to Trump's whims.
throwaway784989 29 days ago [-]
I know. That's why I said that I wished they'd extend the US the same courtesy they extend other nations. Trump can't force them not to, they're choosing not to.
Falklands vs Malvinas, Bodensee vs Lake Konstanz, Lake Geneva vs Lac Léman, countless islands in South China, Sea (Philippines vs Chinese names), Japan vs Korean island names, Chine vs Russian names
and on and on.
Only uninformed people are surprised by this.
This is what I see. Estonian Google (possibly EU-wide?) shows 'Gulf of Mexico (Gulf of America)'. In Estonian, 'Mehhiko laht (Ameerika laht)'.
I don't see why any European version of Maps needs to show the American name at all.
Political boundaries vary in different countries and google maps shows the border differently between India and China depending on where you are using the app.
It’s just a variable name. Different countries call the same thing by different names.
They do, if you're not in the US and subject to Trump's whims.