> the surprising part about closures is that they capture variables by reference, not by value
Not too surprising when you realize python objects are accessed by reference. Zero, one or many names can be bound to that reference. The options when binding an environment to a closure are to copy the current environment with the current values, or to just save a reference to the current environment. That latter approach is used everywhere else in python. Assignment never copies, for example, so that's what happens with closures.
The workaround that involves creating a helper function seems much too heavy an approach. Just force evaluation of the formal parameter in the environment:
fns = []
for i in range(3):
def f(i=i): # force evaluation of parameter
for f in fns:
Terr_ 30 days ago [-]
*squints* I assume that relies on a different Python newbie-pitfall, which is that default values for parameters all point to the same thing present at the time the def is processed?
# Don't do this! The same initially-empty array is
#shared across all no-arg calls.
def foo(items = []):
# Better, because even though None is still shared
# it immutable so nobody cares.
def foo(items = None):
if x is None:
x = []
rzzzwilson 24 days ago [-]
My suggested workaround has nothing to do with mutable default parameters (the "items = []" code). It is true that a default parameter value is evaluated at "def" evaluation time, but that's how python works for all default parameter values. It's a trap only if that default value is mutable and the programmer thinks that the default value is created at function call time.
Your code examples, though I agree with what you are saying, aren't really anything to do with what I posted. The effect of what I wrote is to bind the parameter to the value of the argument at "def" evaluation time, which is what most people want. The advice "Don't do this!" is fine for beginners, but you need further explanation: with more experience a programmer might actually use the mutable default parameter behaviour to advantage.
zahlman 29 days ago [-]
It does, and I've always thought it was a bad way to address the problem for that reason. Using `functools.partial` is far clearer and more explicit as a way to bind parameters to a call: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/277922
Terr_ 29 days ago [-]
fns = [functools.partial(print, i) for i in range(3)]
for f in fns:
Not too surprising when you realize python objects are accessed by reference. Zero, one or many names can be bound to that reference. The options when binding an environment to a closure are to copy the current environment with the current values, or to just save a reference to the current environment. That latter approach is used everywhere else in python. Assignment never copies, for example, so that's what happens with closures.
The workaround that involves creating a helper function seems much too heavy an approach. Just force evaluation of the formal parameter in the environment:
Your code examples, though I agree with what you are saying, aren't really anything to do with what I posted. The effect of what I wrote is to bind the parameter to the value of the argument at "def" evaluation time, which is what most people want. The advice "Don't do this!" is fine for beginners, but you need further explanation: with more experience a programmer might actually use the mutable default parameter behaviour to advantage.
Pep 567 introduced contextvars to address it in this scenario.