This is really nice actually i would love to use it. I search for a tool like this long time ago. I use Whatsapp web so when i download some files from it, it can be auto renamed right based on date, its like that right?
It would be nice if you can expand the supported file such as excel or power point. Also i don't know for others, but on my machine the setting is in dark mode and the selection text is white make it the same as the background. I need to hover to it to actually read the text. Its not significance, but it would be nice if you can fix it.
alexyuan0219 30 days ago [-]
It is intended that way, and the date of download can be in the front or end of the filename. However, Chrome API has been tricky to use. I am not sure if it can intercept downloads from WhatsApp Web. The extension cannot deal with downloads from some websites like Github based on our test.
Now I feel that we should've probably developed the desktop version with local AI modals and there wouldn't be as many technical problems as we can deal with renaming after the file is downloaded.
The web APIs also makes supporting images, excels or other files a bit harder. We only get blob data and have to figure out how to turn such raw data back to files, so we can feed the content to cloud AI providers.
Dark mode problem noted. And thanks very much for all the feedback.
appleorchard46 31 days ago [-]
What a great idea! I don't use Chrom(ium) so I can't speak to the execution but this is a really nice use of AI.
stuckkeys 31 days ago [-]
alexyuan0219 31 days ago [-]
Well me personally struggled with file organization a lot. I tried hard, but always the desktop somehow became a total mess, hence the extension. Some of my friends do strictly rename every file and sort them into the right folders. They feel this is quite manageable and don't really need a tool. Curious about about your way of file management.
It would be nice if you can expand the supported file such as excel or power point. Also i don't know for others, but on my machine the setting is in dark mode and the selection text is white make it the same as the background. I need to hover to it to actually read the text. Its not significance, but it would be nice if you can fix it.
Now I feel that we should've probably developed the desktop version with local AI modals and there wouldn't be as many technical problems as we can deal with renaming after the file is downloaded.
The web APIs also makes supporting images, excels or other files a bit harder. We only get blob data and have to figure out how to turn such raw data back to files, so we can feed the content to cloud AI providers.
Dark mode problem noted. And thanks very much for all the feedback.