Is there any good free ADS-B platform these days? I know adsbexchange got bought up by a private jet charter company. So I guess they'll start blocking all sorts of stuff.
One of the best is - which currently aggregates data from nearly 1700 feeders globally; they have a legal agreement preventing sale of this data (to avoid situations like with adsbexchange); they share the data on a selective basis.
One of the largest ones, Opensky Network - is supposed to be open for research purposes but they refused my request straight ahead.
Hmm if they're not filtering now they will soon. It's an executive jet charter company. What other reason would they have to buy it?
diggan 30 days ago [-]
They got bought early 2023 according to the website, if they're not already filtering data, why would they suddenly start doing that? The company that bought them don't seem to be mainly a jet charter a company, but describe themselves as a "Aviation Market Data" company.
sipjca 30 days ago [-]
adsbexchange was also bought out by private equity recently, these two seem to be some of the larger fully community driven resources.
wkat4242 30 days ago [-]
Oh yes exchange that was the one I meant that was sold off, sorry.
My understanding is that the ADS-B latitude and longitude are based on the WGS 84 coordinate system, which accounts for the Earth's curvature, but the app itself doesn't project these coordinates onto a curved surface.
I'd appreciate suggestions from HN users with map projection expertise on how to accomplish this. I'm also interested in learning more.
One of my next projects is to get a better understanding of GIS coordinate reference systems in order to be able to create 3d globle renderings of the data. I purchased the following two books to better understand map projection implementation:
3D Engine Design for Virtual Globes by Patrick Cozzi and Kevin Ring
Flattening the Earth by John P. Snyder
sirjaz 30 days ago [-]
Any plans on making this a native app without the overhead of having a server service running?
llopisdon 30 days ago [-]
Hi. I'm not planning a native app at this time. I created an experimental native app using Godot, but in the end I decided to focus on the web app. The app is a PWA so it provides a native like experience if that is desired (works on both mobile and desktop)--this is how I use it when I'm on my phone or tablet. Most users likely already have an ADS-B tracker that usually includes a local lighttpd web server for 2D traffic viewing. The app integrates with these existing setups. Users who don't want to alter their setup can run the app using the included Vite development server and websocket proxy to connect to a ADS-B tracker. Instructions are in `docs/`.
The list of all data exchanges is here:
One of the best is - which currently aggregates data from nearly 1700 feeders globally; they have a legal agreement preventing sale of this data (to avoid situations like with adsbexchange); they share the data on a selective basis.
One of the largest ones, Opensky Network - is supposed to be open for research purposes but they refused my request straight ahead. - is controversial. This database is made available under the Open Database License: plus under CC0, but there is some drama that I don't understand:
adsbexchange was also bought out by private equity recently, these two seem to be some of the larger fully community driven resources.
I'll check those out thanks!
Congrats, this looks nice
Does this app render the flights to fit the curvature of the earth?
Was looking for something like this during the New Jersey drone flap to help identify distant flights from the perspective of someone on the ground
The app currently renders aircraft and maps on a flat plane using latitude, longitude, and altitude, via the sphericalmercator library:
My understanding is that the ADS-B latitude and longitude are based on the WGS 84 coordinate system, which accounts for the Earth's curvature, but the app itself doesn't project these coordinates onto a curved surface.
I'd appreciate suggestions from HN users with map projection expertise on how to accomplish this. I'm also interested in learning more.
One of my next projects is to get a better understanding of GIS coordinate reference systems in order to be able to create 3d globle renderings of the data. I purchased the following two books to better understand map projection implementation:
3D Engine Design for Virtual Globes by Patrick Cozzi and Kevin Ring
Flattening the Earth by John P. Snyder