As expected, $1.50 in late fees at the public library provide much greater value than paying for anything I've read on substack.
limpbizkitfan 30 days ago [-]
This article seems openly misogynistic. There's nothing inherently "effeminate" about refusal to work, brooding over obstacles, perhaps having principles or ethics falling in the way of becoming a quant at an HFT firm. I also feel like the term "trannyism" as used in the article just seems vacuous. What is that word trying to inspire?
Just because you have the ability to be stoic for work isn't making you more valuable as an individual. Does it allow you to increase your margins? Sure. But that ethical argument has absolutely nothing to do with where someone lies on this new masculinity contest everyone seems to engage in. Just because you have a Y chromosome doesn't mean you don't have Fragile X.
purplezooey 30 days ago [-]
This is like a misguided, unhinged sermon from the Victorian era with a few references to Chipotle added.
cafard 29 days ago [-]
This is a real challenge, because as the left has taught us, it feels good to be a victim, especially when you can plausibly claim to be one."
The current administration seems to be good at identifying victims where one might not have gone looking for them, e.g. among Afrikaner landowners. Is MAGA in fact "right wing" in a classic sense? It hardly counts as left.
Also, I must say that the expression "ruminating on sewage" does not suggest a sound feeling for language.
The current administration seems to be good at identifying victims where one might not have gone looking for them, e.g. among Afrikaner landowners. Is MAGA in fact "right wing" in a classic sense? It hardly counts as left.
Also, I must say that the expression "ruminating on sewage" does not suggest a sound feeling for language.