Who's doing the f35 transparent cockpit thing, what system is behind that?
I can hardly picture soldiers running into combat wearing of oculus goggles, maybe they're pivoting to something better for the drone pilots, intelligence / command. I'm picturing Battlefield II style drone based targeting, but I don't really know what the use case is here
I'll add an anecdote from an army buddy: he hates it when the command hands down Batman utility belt shit like this, promising enhanced intel and connectivity.
1. It's just more equipment that will malfunction when they're trying not to die
2. Having your command looking over your shoulders is not necessarily tied to good outcomes - somebody not on the battlefield is now backseat driving and second guessing your decisions instead of trusting you to execute.
tim333 31 days ago [-]
The headsets are already a thing - they are more like hololens so you can see directly through plus stuff overlaid. Here's a soldier talking about it in training https://youtu.be/8NHO1RnK0zI?t=94
jazzyjackson 31 days ago [-]
Hadn't seen the video, thanks -- that system is the one Microsoft was prototyping tho, and and my impression from seeing Palmer Lucky on CNBC is that they're tossing the existing hardware and going with Oculus. They don't have AR goggles that projects onto a visor like hololens, they went with full camera passthrough like Apple Vision. Terrible choice for mission critical IMO, at least if Hololens crashes you are left with a transparent piece of plastic.
Of course with 22B they can design new hardware from the ground up, maybe (how much did Magic Leap light on fire?)
tim333 31 days ago [-]
Yeah dunno. If you loot at the real war of the moment in Ukraine there are a lot of people sitting around with VR controlling drones and not much running into battle due to the range of modern weapons.
moi2388 31 days ago [-]
Data links with other assets such as the f35 is already doing for target and threat identification, suggesting weapon systems to use, calling in drone strikes, and links with smart targeting systems, which are already in development for standard infantry.
vaxman 30 days ago [-]
Shout out to Palmer Luckey Land. Fun fact, the new court next door was built by DEC --notice the street address? It was a joke on IBM.
limpbizkitfan 30 days ago [-]
I'm sure the AR will do something extremely useful - perhaps draw firearms on the civilians in view.
datavirtue 31 days ago [-]
I saw that picture of Andurils founder and immediately thought: "they are all going to jail."
pxtail 31 days ago [-]
You are joking but there is something unsettling to me in how this guy builds his own image. I mean, everyone, especially in professional environment presents some kind of persona instead of authentic "self", he seems to be deliberately constructing his own based of bunch of videogames - I suppose there is nothing wrong with that but still, taking into account type of business he and his company is involved in - it feels wrong to some degree.
I can hardly picture soldiers running into combat wearing of oculus goggles, maybe they're pivoting to something better for the drone pilots, intelligence / command. I'm picturing Battlefield II style drone based targeting, but I don't really know what the use case is here
I'll add an anecdote from an army buddy: he hates it when the command hands down Batman utility belt shit like this, promising enhanced intel and connectivity.
1. It's just more equipment that will malfunction when they're trying not to die
2. Having your command looking over your shoulders is not necessarily tied to good outcomes - somebody not on the battlefield is now backseat driving and second guessing your decisions instead of trusting you to execute.
Of course with 22B they can design new hardware from the ground up, maybe (how much did Magic Leap light on fire?)
Data links with other assets such as the f35 is already doing for target and threat identification, suggesting weapon systems to use, calling in drone strikes, and links with smart targeting systems, which are already in development for standard infantry.
Context below - long video interview with the man: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItLFpYha6Wc
Impressive thing to say