Shouldn't this be "Render Doom on Google Sheets", given the processing is done in GScript? I'm sure there is a way to actually run frame-by-frame Doom with only cell equations.
rzzzt 31 days ago [-]
"Run any DOS game via JS-DOS, a JS wrapper of DOSBox, render to small offscreen canvas, present frame in Google Sheets" is more correct but it makes a less catchy title.
ge96 31 days ago [-]
I'm seen a roller coaster run in a spreadsheet
cjoshi66 31 days ago [-]
true. can any current gen AI be given a prompt "create game [X] in spreadsheet" and it just works?
TechDebtDevin 31 days ago [-]
Hell no
cjoshi66 31 days ago [-]
thank you for that very insightful comment.
RIMR 31 days ago [-]
You asked a yes or no question. Not sure what you were expecting.
cjoshi66 31 days ago [-]
I was hoping for someone to share some cool prompts to get close to a working arcade-style game in spreadsheet. idk.
RIMR 30 days ago [-]
So you asked a yes or no question, expected the answer must be yes, and wanted people to offering you examples?
Maybe you should have asked a different question.
31 days ago [-]
aradox66 31 days ago [-]
I haven't ever looked into these Doom emulators, but at this point my impression is that Doom is some kind of natural and inevitable epiphenomenon that can be provoked in any computing environment with just a little prodding.
Like a rainbow from sunlight, Doom is always already there once you set up a few nand gates.
all you have to do, according to the readme, is implement five functions in the linked project to get doom on your chosen platform.
hoten 31 days ago [-]
> Google Sheets does not support true color rendering.
True color just means you're not indexing your colors with a pallete. Aka, RGB 32 bit. So surely this isn't true?
Cockbrand 31 days ago [-]
Was anyone able to get it to work? I see the sidebar with "Initializing DOOM renderer...", and after a while I hear the game sounds, but my spreadsheet remains empty. I deployed it as a "Web App".
halyconWays 31 days ago [-]
More impressive than the "digital thermometer runs doom!" where really they just connected the OLED display, but IMO if it's not being processed on the device then it's not running Doom.
nosrepa 31 days ago [-]
Not that it matters too much, but it was a pregnancy test.
teddyh 31 days ago [-]
Yet another example of people claiming to run Doom somewhere, but is actually only displaying Doom, while Doom is running somewhere else, on another system.
skyyler 31 days ago [-]
It's silly because we already have something for showing off unique displays: Bad Apple!!
I still think it's cool to display Doom in unusual places, but I do agree with you that it's technically different than *playing* Doom in unusual places.
jayrot 31 days ago [-]
Yeah this is absolutely worthless and should never have been done, much less shown to anyone. I want the money I spent on this back.
Maybe you should have asked a different question.
Like a rainbow from sunlight, Doom is always already there once you set up a few nand gates.
all you have to do, according to the readme, is implement five functions in the linked project to get doom on your chosen platform.
True color just means you're not indexing your colors with a pallete. Aka, RGB 32 bit. So surely this isn't true?
I still think it's cool to display Doom in unusual places, but I do agree with you that it's technically different than *playing* Doom in unusual places.