Did they stop? I know they stopped selling their books directly, but I'm pretty sure their stuff has been DRM free on places like Kobo the entire time.
wlindley 34 days ago [-]
Listed is "HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide (6th ed.)" by Chuck Musciano and Bill Kennedy from 2006.
However there was a 7th edition, ISBN 9781449302597, published 2011. Yet nowhere online can I find a copy to purchase. Does anyone have a clue what happened to the 7th edition or where it might be found?
Kerrick 34 days ago [-]
It never came out. Its page on their website can be tracked through time with the publication date slipping repeatedly. The canceled 7th edition’s author went on to update CSS: The Definitive Guide alongside Eric Meyer.
I’m partway through writing a proposal to O’Reilly to do an updated edition. :-)
wlindley 28 days ago [-]
Thank you, and all the best for a long-awaited and much-needed update to the book!
However there was a 7th edition, ISBN 9781449302597, published 2011. Yet nowhere online can I find a copy to purchase. Does anyone have a clue what happened to the 7th edition or where it might be found?
I’m partway through writing a proposal to O’Reilly to do an updated edition. :-)