Hi! Perma is made by the Harvard Library Innovation Lab, which I direct, and I wrote a bunch of the early code for it back in 2015 or so.
For HN readers, I'd suggest checking out https://tools.perma.cc/, where we post a bunch of the open source work that backs this. Due to the shift from warc to wacz, (a zipped-web-archive format developed by WebRecorder), it's now possible to pass around fully interactive high fidelity web archives as simple files and host them with client side javascript, which opens up a bunch of new possibilities for web archive designs. You can see some tech demos of that at our page https://warcembed-demo.lil.tools/ , where each page is just a static file on the server and some client side javascript.
It's best to think of Perma.cc itself, the service, as some UX and user support wrapping to help solve linkrot primarily in the law journal, courts, law journals, and journalists area (for example, dashboards for a law journal to collaborate on the links they're archiving for their authors), and our work on this as building from that usecase to try to make it easier for everyone to build similar things.
I saw some mentions of the Internet Archive, which is great, and is also kind enough to keep a copy of our archives and expose them through the Wayback Machine. One thing I've been thinking about recently in archiving is that there's a risk to overstandardizing -- you don't want things too much captured with the same software platforms, funded through the same models, governed by the same people, exposed through the same interfaces, etc. There's supposed to be thousands of libraries, not one library. Unlike "don't roll your own crypto," I'd honestly love to see more people roll their own archives.
Happy to answer any questions!
jedberg 32 days ago [-]
My first question was "If this is a free service, how do I know it will still be around in even a few years?". This was answered by your comment that it is (or at least appears to be?) funded by Harvard.
In which case, why isn't this prominently displayed on the main page? Or why not use a Harvard library URL, which will significantly boost the trust level? Especially vs a CC TLD which are known to be problematic?
JackC 32 days ago [-]
It is on core Harvard funds, and we also have paid accounts used by law firms and journalists.
As an innovation lab we often minimize Harvard branding with project websites because it's more instructive to win or lose on our own merits than based on how people feel about Harvard, in either direction.
32 days ago [-]
stanislavb 32 days ago [-]
Yeah, but the the mare success of a service like perma.cc relies on trust. How does someone trust you that you will be here in 10, 20, etc years?
Harvard has been around for hundreds of years, Harvard has inbuilt trust, Harvard has funding. You should negotiate and arrange going behind its brand.
It's in several US states' interest to make sure this service keeps existing.
31 days ago [-]
Imustaskforhelp 31 days ago [-]
wow hats off man!
But I am also wondering , is this sustainable , can I use this to archive this hackernews itself for example
And how can we verify the integrity of the web archive , could you please explain?
Thanks a lot in advance. I wish you all the best in your career & this project!
gabcoh 32 days ago [-]
I guess it’s not sufficiently prominent (given that you didn’t see it) but this is discussed in detail in the FAQ section
A4ET8a8uTh0_v2 32 days ago [-]
I think the main question is:
- Why is it better than internet archive?
I personally see the benefit as potentially having internet archive stopping being the only game in town, but even that comes with certain costs ( which may not be great to the community as a whole -- depending on who you ask ).
I would love to hear your perspective on where you stand as related to other providers of similar services.
JackC 32 days ago [-]
I think the biggest distinction is between archiving platforms made primarily for authors and primarily for web crawlers.
If you're an author (say, of a court decision) and you archive example.com/foo, Perma makes a fresh copy of example.com/foo as its own wacz file, with a CPU-intensive headless browser, gives it a unique short URL, and puts it in a folder tree for you. So you get a higher quality capture than most crawls can afford, including a screenshot and pdf; you get a URL that's easy to cite in print; you can find your copy later; you get "temporal integrity" (it's not possible for replays to pull in assets from other crawls, which can result in frankenstein playbacks); and you can independently respond to things like DMCA takedowns. It's all tuned to offer a great experience for that author.
IA is primarily tuned for preserving everything regardless of whether the author cared to preserve it or not, through massive web crawls. Which is often the better strategy -- most authors don't care as much as judges about the longterm integrity of their citations.
This is what I'm getting at about the specific benefits of having multiple archives. It's not just redundancy, it's that you can do better for different users that way.
bArray 32 days ago [-]
> - Why is it better than internet archive?
With the internet archive, the purpose seems to be for public archiving. One could imagine a use-case where you want non-public archives, and are therefore not subject to any take-down requests, especially if they are considered court evidence for example.
By paying directly for your links to be archived, it directly helps fund the service and therefore keep it going. You would want to see some guarantees in the contract about pricing if you were to long-term rely on the service.
rakoo 32 days ago [-]
Irrelevant. The point is that there shouldn't be a single archive for anything, because then it has the longevity of the operators. Who can say whether Harvard or the IA will close its service first? Why choose ?
lrvick 32 days ago [-]
Is there any concept of signing data at time of archive, and verification at time of access, to prove it is not later tampered with, say by a bribed sysadmin?
Similarly are there any general supply chain integrity measures in place, such as code review of dependencies, reproducible builds, or creating archives reproducibly in independently administrated enclaves?
You note archives could be used for instances like Supreme Court decisions, so any anyone with power to tamper with content would certainly be targeted.
JackC 32 days ago [-]
We're coauthors on the wacz-auth spec, which is designed to solve this sort of thing by signing archives with the domain cert of the archive that created them. If you cross-sign with a private cert you can do pretty well with this approach against various threat models, though it has to be part of a whole PKI security design.
I think the best approach for high stakes archiving is to have a standard for "witness APIs" so that you could fetch archives from independent archiving institutions. That also solves for the web looking different from different places. That hasn't gelled yet, though.
makeworld 32 days ago [-]
WACZ files created by WebRecorder software like archiveweb.page are signed (by you) and timestamped (by a third party using RFC 3161).
pbhjpbhj 32 days ago [-]
And put the signatures on a blockchain so that the perma.cc holders, or the USA government, can't do easily alter things either.
russellbeattie 32 days ago [-]
Since you own the "perma.link" domain name (I just looked it up) why don't you use that instead of .cc which has issues?
husam212 32 days ago [-]
It's really annoying that domain is not the main one, it's so much better!
Onavo 32 days ago [-]
What happens if you get a lawsuit or injunction demanding information removal or alteration? What if somebody archives a born secret or something sensitive?
lolinder 32 days ago [-]
Heads up that the .cc TLD is frequently used for malicious purposes and will likely get blocked by a lot of networks.
When I've worked on spam prevention in the past, that TLD always comes up disproportionately often. I've never personally built a filter that blocks the entire TLD, but I'm sure from looking at the data that people with stricter compliance requirements have.
The Anti-Phishing Working Group ranked the TLD the second-worst in the ratio of phishing domains to total registrations, with the highest total volume of phishing (page 13):
It's unique in that, if you opt out of the paid account route, you need someone like a library to sponsor your access, and then when you archive something, it is akin to giving it to your library to store.
lolinder 32 days ago [-]
Right, but new product or not if you use this as a solution for permalinks you are running the risk that in certain types of networks—especially those that the target audience for academic writing often operates in—people will not be able to access your links.
That might be worth the trade-off, and it might well be that the service is well-known enough that even networks that block the entire TLD make an exception for Perma.cc. But I wouldn't assume that to be the case without validating it first.
I also think it's worth just calling out bad TLDs when we see them so that people don't think it's okay to copy. Even if Perma.cc is well known enough to avoid the problem, your new app won't be.
basch 30 days ago [-]
I would expect, if a University funds perma.cc that it also wouldn’t be in their blocklist. Maybe I’m too trusting of competence.
32 days ago [-]
LorenDB 32 days ago [-]
Permanent, until they go out of business. We should just standardize on archive.org and figure out a way to distribute redundant copies of its data around in such a way that it can survive even if the original Internet Archive goes down.
I hate to push blockchain stuff, but something like IPFS might actually be a good idea here.
didgeoridoo 32 days ago [-]
It’s run by the Harvard Law Library (i.e. backed by a multibillion-dollar university that is substantially older than the country it’s located in) and operated as a decentralized network across multiple public and private library systems.
Like any service, it might shut down due to lack of interest, but I doubt Harvard Law is at risk of “going out of business”.
aaroninsf 32 days ago [-]
Any discussion in this domain should include an overview of what happened to PURL and purl.org
Regardless of institutional gravitas, projects without wide uptake are mostly doomed on a 20-year horizon.
weinzierl 32 days ago [-]
I am glad I am not the only one who remembers that. Most of the time people mean package url when they use purl.
Andrew6rant 32 days ago [-]
There honestly might be a greater chance of something happening to the .cc domain (like what's happening now with .io)
Harvard has a much larger population than the Cocos islands, I don't know why this project decided to rely on a country code tld
basch 32 days ago [-]
then the dns providers of the world step in and override it and redirect. hopefully cloudflare can save us.
palata 32 days ago [-]
> I doubt Harvard Law is at risk of “going out of business”.
Wait until they publicly criticise Musk.
Artemon 32 days ago [-]
pogue 32 days ago [-]
Archive.org has had it's fair share of problems recently as well. I'm still mad Google dropped their own cache and just expected the IA to pick up the slack.
There's also projects like Archive Box that allows for self hosted backups of websites
andrewaylett 32 days ago [-]
Someone's still got to dedicate a chunk of their disk to retaining a copy, though.
These folks send copies of all their archives to IA, so it's no less permanent than IA. And being focused on a specific niche (with deep-pocketed backers) means it's less likely to blow up for unrelated reasons.
immibis 32 days ago [-]
IPFS is basically content-addressed HTTP, and it's really slow, and there's no way to discover all the stuff that needs to be redundantly archived (which makes sense because anyone can host anything).
jbullock35 32 days ago [-]
Prospective users are understandably concerned that perma.cc will go out of business. No institution can guarantee that it will exist in perpetuity. But perma.cc has at least published a contingency plan: https://perma.cc/contingency-plan.
dylan604 32 days ago [-]
"Please note that this is a statement of Perma.cc’s present intent in the event the project winds down. Perma.cc may revise or amend this page at any time. Nothing on this page is intended to, nor may it be read to, create a legal or contractual right for users or obligation for Perma.cc, under the Perma.cc Terms of Use or otherwise."
So, yeah, nothing is different than anyone else, other than they have a "cunning plan" that can easily get shitcanned at anyone's whim
true_religion 32 days ago [-]
You can’t actually create a contractual right without consideration and they appear to be a free service.
> New users are able to create ten free links on a trial basis. After using the trial, individuals must either be affiliated with a registrar or sign up for a paid subscription.
chaorace 32 days ago [-]
Not what people are asking for. What you're ruling out is the equivalent of expecting cryostasis subscribers to sue if there's ever a service interruption.
Conventional business models as currently implemented are fundamentally misaligned to the timescales associated with this product category. Products like these need a level of stability that can only be accomplished at the charter level of the corporation -- it needs to be fundamentally incapable of reneging on promises made.
Without that kind of reassurance, why should anyone trust this service with their links? The exchange is incredibly unequal. They receive full, permanent control of the content, access, and monetization of all things which I cite. I receive... a promise that my links will do what they already do, but maybe last longer.
dylan604 32 days ago [-]
Right, which makes this whole contingency plan worth less than the ink and paper it is written. It's their weasel words of saying they know that their entire marketing plan of "permanent" anything is outlandish. However, this is the exact type of marketing that attracts VCs. Might as well add "making the world a better place" in there too
pbhjpbhj 32 days ago [-]
You can create an obligation for yourself or make a binding statement of intent.
Indeed memoranda in the UK, created when registering a company, require it. You state the intended services. Companies weasel around it by making broad milquetoast claims.
A statement binding the organisation to release their data and cede all copyright should the site be terminated, for example, would demonstrate good faith and go a long way to reassuring people that it wasn't wasted effort.
PURL is in the same space as w3id.org, not perma.cc. Purl and w3id work by creating stable URLs thar can redirect to a (potentially changing) origin, perma.cc/archive.org/archivebox create WARC archives or the content at a given instant.
Is the best counter here to acquire a brand tld to operate themselves (setting aside all the linkrot it generates)? They've certainly got the resources when you compare against other brand tlds that this could have been an option.
NewJazz 32 days ago [-]
My first thought too. Permanent... As long as checks notes the territory of Cocos Islands doesn't change governance.
jklinger410 32 days ago [-]
It's a stupid choice
hombre_fatal 32 days ago [-]
The diagram of link rot is depressing.
I used the same unique online alias from age ten to eighteen.
I used to be able to google it and see hundreds of results. Dozens of forums I posted on. Dozens of games I played. In my twenties, I'd do this for the nostalgia of reading posts I'd written in my preteen era.
Now, there are just seven results.
zoezoezoezoe 35 days ago [-]
If the world has taught me anything, it's that nothing is permanent, and nothing is perfect. Forums from days of yore are littered with tinybucket 404 pictures and anonymous Imgur images are gone. We like to imagine that the internet will stay the way it is forever, but I dont believe it. Free internet services like email, file uploads, etc. wont last forever. The idea is amazing, and exactly what we need for a constantly changing internet, but the only thing that is forever is nothingness.
LightHugger 32 days ago [-]
There have been cases where companies convinced internet archive to take down archives of sites for various reasons, ranging from copyright concerns to social outrage, how do you plan to handle these eventualities?
jmuguy 32 days ago [-]
Why use the cc tld? I'm guessing that choice was made a while back? Unfortunately due to its association with phishing etc, that immediately gave me the impression that the service isn't legit.
Pikamander2 32 days ago [-]
Does this solve any of the problems that other link shorteners have, like eventually breaking when the site goes bankrupt or getting blocked by sites like Reddit due to their ability to conceal spam?
NohatCoder 32 days ago [-]
It is not a link shortener, it is an archive tool. I thought the same thing when I first saw the headline. Their description is really bad and confusing.
Pikamander2 32 days ago [-]
Oh wow, you're right. I guess the example link on their home page makes that more clear, but at a glance I thought it was supposed to be an attempt at creating a googl/bitly/tinyurl clone.
No it doesn’t, it will also go down eventually, most likely due to irrelevance or whenever someone at Harvard grows tired of maintaining this pet project or there are problems with the .cc domain.
I would be surprised if this will survive past 2035.
bArray 32 days ago [-]
Personally, I started building tooling around Data URIs to provide permanent archives to external resources. You can only really store text or single images like this, and you have to get the size below 16KB [1] (64kB at a push) to be reliable. You can do some form of compression, but it would be nicer to have support for longer Data URIs.
I've literally embedded these into PDFs and all sorts, all of which still open today. It doesn't really increase the document size notably, but does make them more robust.
This is how singlefile and some other archiving tools work, they just embed all remote assets as data urls within the page. It works really well, the only inconvenience is if you need to parse the html later on, the massive attribute lengths can crash some html parsers like jsdom or cheerio.
aghilmort 32 days ago [-]
how does this compare contrast with DOI - complements, replaces, etc.?
ForceBru 32 days ago [-]
As I understand it, this physically stores the saved pages. DOI simply hands out identifiers and doesn't store anything.
moralestapia 32 days ago [-]
They're very different things.
DOI is pretty much a giant, curated, hash table. DOI does not store any data, it's only a map of numbers to strings.
aghilmort 32 days ago [-]
ah so DOI meets archive.org in a participatory opt-in sort of way?
abetancort 32 days ago [-]
Way too expensive. I will keep using archive.is and forget I ever saw this post.
pinoy420 32 days ago [-]
So who maintains the database? Or is it hashed? Or what?
terrycody 32 days ago [-]
But even Google retired their link shortner service.
charles_f 32 days ago [-]
Google retires their product all the time to the point that it's a meme.
RobLach 32 days ago [-]
Very cool
zouhair 32 days ago [-]
It's like another website that could break.
lorenzowood 32 days ago [-]
Thought I would try this with a browser plug-in — “This item is not available” says the Chrome store ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
rsync 32 days ago [-]
Scroll down to:
"Perma.cc’s Supporting Partners"
... one of those partners is not like the others ...
32 days ago [-]
nikolay 32 days ago [-]
This is old, dead, and super expensive!
liotier 32 days ago [-]
The About page says "We’re both in the forever business" but doesn't back up the claim with any financial information to even credibly argue that they are in the ten years business.
mynameisvlad 32 days ago [-]
It's run by the Harvard Law School Library and a consortium of libraries worldwide. Why does it need financial information specifically to argue they're in the ten year business?
Them being run by a library that is older than you and everyone else here is worth a lot more than a random company's 10-year funding plan.
itscrush 32 days ago [-]
The tld it's dependent on doesn't fall within these parameters. They also don't own and operate the .cc TLD do they?
mynameisvlad 32 days ago [-]
How does being backed by financial information magically make that constraint go away?
mcny 32 days ago [-]
To play the devil's advocate, the library can exist for ten thousand years more but it is still possible it will drop perma.cc project when they get a new director, right?
mynameisvlad 32 days ago [-]
Any hypothetical is possible, sure. But every single library in the consortium dropping the project is a massive stretch of hypotheticals.
32 days ago [-]
bananapub 32 days ago [-]
95% of the work for a useful product like this is figuring out how to ensure it survives your dumb business model or the idiocy of the tech industry, and yet none of the words on this landing page explain what work they've done on that.
did they not understand that at all? did they just not do any work on it? or did they understand it and do great work but just fail to but it in 100pt text as item 0 on the list? who knows.
didgeoridoo 32 days ago [-]
This isn’t a tech product. It’s a decentralized archive organized by Harvard Law School Library.
Being literal librarians, I am fairly sure the creators of this service have thought through how it will remain accessible in the long term.
bananapub 31 days ago [-]
then why don't they mention the most important thing, which they are presumably extremely aware of, on the promo page for the product?
pbhjpbhj 32 days ago [-]
"Fairly sure", well why didn't they say that in their blurb!?
The site copywriters seem to have very carefully made associations with Harvard whilst maintaining perma.cc as a separate entity to which they, Harvard, owe no obligations.
"Perma.cc was built by Harvard’s Library Innovation Lab and is backed by the power of libraries."
They built it, they organise it, but what they don't seem to do is provide any guarantees with/through/towards it.
Sure, who wants to take on obligations, make promises. Much easier to hide behind vague expressions of how great librarians are (it's a noble calling). 'Trust me bro' is pretty hard to go with for commercial enterprises regardless of who started them.
They clearly thought through the future, hence the 'we don't owe you anything when we sell the service to X/Alphabet/Meta or whoever' language.
How much budget have Harvard set aside for long-term maintenance?
It looks useful.
pluto_modadic 32 days ago [-]
...don't judge a project by its landing page. Especially if it's as well run as this one, by the looks of it.
For HN readers, I'd suggest checking out https://tools.perma.cc/, where we post a bunch of the open source work that backs this. Due to the shift from warc to wacz, (a zipped-web-archive format developed by WebRecorder), it's now possible to pass around fully interactive high fidelity web archives as simple files and host them with client side javascript, which opens up a bunch of new possibilities for web archive designs. You can see some tech demos of that at our page https://warcembed-demo.lil.tools/ , where each page is just a static file on the server and some client side javascript.
It's best to think of Perma.cc itself, the service, as some UX and user support wrapping to help solve linkrot primarily in the law journal, courts, law journals, and journalists area (for example, dashboards for a law journal to collaborate on the links they're archiving for their authors), and our work on this as building from that usecase to try to make it easier for everyone to build similar things.
I saw some mentions of the Internet Archive, which is great, and is also kind enough to keep a copy of our archives and expose them through the Wayback Machine. One thing I've been thinking about recently in archiving is that there's a risk to overstandardizing -- you don't want things too much captured with the same software platforms, funded through the same models, governed by the same people, exposed through the same interfaces, etc. There's supposed to be thousands of libraries, not one library. Unlike "don't roll your own crypto," I'd honestly love to see more people roll their own archives.
Happy to answer any questions!
In which case, why isn't this prominently displayed on the main page? Or why not use a Harvard library URL, which will significantly boost the trust level? Especially vs a CC TLD which are known to be problematic?
As an innovation lab we often minimize Harvard branding with project websites because it's more instructive to win or lose on our own merits than based on how people feel about Harvard, in either direction.
Harvard has been around for hundreds of years, Harvard has inbuilt trust, Harvard has funding. You should negotiate and arrange going behind its brand.
It's in several US states' interest to make sure this service keeps existing.
But I am also wondering , is this sustainable , can I use this to archive this hackernews itself for example
And how can we verify the integrity of the web archive , could you please explain?
Thanks a lot in advance. I wish you all the best in your career & this project!
- Why is it better than internet archive?
I personally see the benefit as potentially having internet archive stopping being the only game in town, but even that comes with certain costs ( which may not be great to the community as a whole -- depending on who you ask ).
I would love to hear your perspective on where you stand as related to other providers of similar services.
If you're an author (say, of a court decision) and you archive example.com/foo, Perma makes a fresh copy of example.com/foo as its own wacz file, with a CPU-intensive headless browser, gives it a unique short URL, and puts it in a folder tree for you. So you get a higher quality capture than most crawls can afford, including a screenshot and pdf; you get a URL that's easy to cite in print; you can find your copy later; you get "temporal integrity" (it's not possible for replays to pull in assets from other crawls, which can result in frankenstein playbacks); and you can independently respond to things like DMCA takedowns. It's all tuned to offer a great experience for that author.
IA is primarily tuned for preserving everything regardless of whether the author cared to preserve it or not, through massive web crawls. Which is often the better strategy -- most authors don't care as much as judges about the longterm integrity of their citations.
This is what I'm getting at about the specific benefits of having multiple archives. It's not just redundancy, it's that you can do better for different users that way.
With the internet archive, the purpose seems to be for public archiving. One could imagine a use-case where you want non-public archives, and are therefore not subject to any take-down requests, especially if they are considered court evidence for example.
By paying directly for your links to be archived, it directly helps fund the service and therefore keep it going. You would want to see some guarantees in the contract about pricing if you were to long-term rely on the service.
Similarly are there any general supply chain integrity measures in place, such as code review of dependencies, reproducible builds, or creating archives reproducibly in independently administrated enclaves?
You note archives could be used for instances like Supreme Court decisions, so any anyone with power to tamper with content would certainly be targeted.
I think the best approach for high stakes archiving is to have a standard for "witness APIs" so that you could fetch archives from independent archiving institutions. That also solves for the web looking different from different places. That hasn't gelled yet, though.
When I've worked on spam prevention in the past, that TLD always comes up disproportionately often. I've never personally built a filter that blocks the entire TLD, but I'm sure from looking at the data that people with stricter compliance requirements have.
The Anti-Phishing Working Group ranked the TLD the second-worst in the ratio of phishing domains to total registrations, with the highest total volume of phishing (page 13):
It's unique in that, if you opt out of the paid account route, you need someone like a library to sponsor your access, and then when you archive something, it is akin to giving it to your library to store.
That might be worth the trade-off, and it might well be that the service is well-known enough that even networks that block the entire TLD make an exception for Perma.cc. But I wouldn't assume that to be the case without validating it first.
I also think it's worth just calling out bad TLDs when we see them so that people don't think it's okay to copy. Even if Perma.cc is well known enough to avoid the problem, your new app won't be.
I hate to push blockchain stuff, but something like IPFS might actually be a good idea here.
Like any service, it might shut down due to lack of interest, but I doubt Harvard Law is at risk of “going out of business”.
Regardless of institutional gravitas, projects without wide uptake are mostly doomed on a 20-year horizon.
Harvard has a much larger population than the Cocos islands, I don't know why this project decided to rely on a country code tld
Wait until they publicly criticise Musk.
Having said that, there are a variety of different archives that Wikipedia uses for backups - Perma.cc is included on that list. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:List_of_web_archiv...
There's also projects like Archive Box that allows for self hosted backups of websites https://archivebox.io/
These folks send copies of all their archives to IA, so it's no less permanent than IA. And being focused on a specific niche (with deep-pocketed backers) means it's less likely to blow up for unrelated reasons.
So, yeah, nothing is different than anyone else, other than they have a "cunning plan" that can easily get shitcanned at anyone's whim
They can only promise to do their best.
> New users are able to create ten free links on a trial basis. After using the trial, individuals must either be affiliated with a registrar or sign up for a paid subscription.
Conventional business models as currently implemented are fundamentally misaligned to the timescales associated with this product category. Products like these need a level of stability that can only be accomplished at the charter level of the corporation -- it needs to be fundamentally incapable of reneging on promises made.
Without that kind of reassurance, why should anyone trust this service with their links? The exchange is incredibly unequal. They receive full, permanent control of the content, access, and monetization of all things which I cite. I receive... a promise that my links will do what they already do, but maybe last longer.
Indeed memoranda in the UK, created when registering a company, require it. You state the intended services. Companies weasel around it by making broad milquetoast claims.
A statement binding the organisation to release their data and cede all copyright should the site be terminated, for example, would demonstrate good faith and go a long way to reassuring people that it wasn't wasted effort.
It used to be hosted at purl.org and run by the OCLC but in 2016 it was transferred to the Internet Archive.
I used the same unique online alias from age ten to eighteen.
I used to be able to google it and see hundreds of results. Dozens of forums I posted on. Dozens of games I played. In my twenties, I'd do this for the nostalgia of reading posts I'd written in my preteen era.
Now, there are just seven results.
I would be surprised if this will survive past 2035.
I've literally embedded these into PDFs and all sorts, all of which still open today. It doesn't really increase the document size notably, but does make them more robust.
[1] https://stackoverflow.com/a/695167
DOI is pretty much a giant, curated, hash table. DOI does not store any data, it's only a map of numbers to strings.
"Perma.cc’s Supporting Partners"
... one of those partners is not like the others ...
Them being run by a library that is older than you and everyone else here is worth a lot more than a random company's 10-year funding plan.
did they not understand that at all? did they just not do any work on it? or did they understand it and do great work but just fail to but it in 100pt text as item 0 on the list? who knows.
Being literal librarians, I am fairly sure the creators of this service have thought through how it will remain accessible in the long term.
The site copywriters seem to have very carefully made associations with Harvard whilst maintaining perma.cc as a separate entity to which they, Harvard, owe no obligations.
"Perma.cc was built by Harvard’s Library Innovation Lab and is backed by the power of libraries."
They built it, they organise it, but what they don't seem to do is provide any guarantees with/through/towards it.
Sure, who wants to take on obligations, make promises. Much easier to hide behind vague expressions of how great librarians are (it's a noble calling). 'Trust me bro' is pretty hard to go with for commercial enterprises regardless of who started them.
They clearly thought through the future, hence the 'we don't owe you anything when we sell the service to X/Alphabet/Meta or whoever' language.
How much budget have Harvard set aside for long-term maintenance?
It looks useful.