“ A cell router is responsible for detecting failure within a cell (Zombie outbreak) and rerouting requests (Citizens) to other neighborhoods.”
Misleading. The difference between a pure horizontally-scaled cluster and cell-based architecture is that traffic destined for a compromised cell does not get routed to a healthy cell. Fault isolation (preventing noisy neighbors and poison pills from spilling over to progressively more cells) is a primary tenet of cell-based architecture.
HumanOstrich 34 days ago [-]
How would you maintain high availability? I assume something like what AWS proposes[1] where you have an independent routing layer and each cell still has a gateway, but cells do not re-route requests to other cells.
It would be part of your architecture design trade off. Disregarding whatever AWS peddles, you can have a cellular infrastructure (like Google), but have non-cellular systems architecture built on top of it (still deployed across different cells but the dependent services in the critical path residing in different cells or regions depending on resource availability and/or use case). The reroutes can occur at the global load balancer level, or it can happen at your own FE service. Or you could just drain the cell from the load balancer and the client retries go to a separate cell. Or you could have the load balancer not failover at all in case, which is generally the recommendation to prevent cascading failure.
It's down to your own design and acceptable business decisions, and what your business deems as availability.
bpicolo 34 days ago [-]
If failed cells cause immediate re-routing to other cells, you get a lot of fun new cascading failure scenarios to think about.
withinboredom 34 days ago [-]
If a cell dies, oh well. You then run a "rebalance" job to move users off the dead cell. If the cell has downtime, that doesn't apply to your overall downtime. In other words, maybe all central-us customers cannot use your service; but it eventually comes back up. If it is dead-dead (ie, nuke or catastrophic failure), then you would migrate those users to a new cell -- at the expense of latency for those users.
nsbk 34 days ago [-]
I came here for Cell Broadband Engine Architecture and was very excited about the whole zombie idea -_-
HumanOstrich 34 days ago [-]
I'm sure this will come in handy for me at some point. I've led a team through moving parts of their terraform/aws monolith to cells. Some people are able to grasp what cell-based architecture is and when it's useful pretty easily, but for a few it just doesn't click.
shae 34 days ago [-]
I'd play this tower defense game where I have to organize my city to resist zombies.
pithanyChan 34 days ago [-]
i can't understand how there hasn't been a single game for the CLI. RTS tower defense, rogue-like & dota, infocom games/caves of qud.
should run on old ThinkPads. uh, maybe you can makes it one of those Challenges @ lewd game weekend hacksaton or something!!! uuuuuh, exciting!
pithanyChan 34 days ago [-]
what's the refractory period doin in neighboring cells and infected cells? what happens to that mechanism?
Misleading. The difference between a pure horizontally-scaled cluster and cell-based architecture is that traffic destined for a compromised cell does not get routed to a healthy cell. Fault isolation (preventing noisy neighbors and poison pills from spilling over to progressively more cells) is a primary tenet of cell-based architecture.
[1]: https://aws.amazon.com/solutions/guidance/cell-based-archite...
It's down to your own design and acceptable business decisions, and what your business deems as availability.
should run on old ThinkPads. uh, maybe you can makes it one of those Challenges @ lewd game weekend hacksaton or something!!! uuuuuh, exciting!