What an objectively terrible, counter-productive take on what is an otherwise simple and solved problem.
Use an appropriately named folder (hi Nvidia, I hate your ".nv") in XDG_CACHE_HOME like every well behaved program in the past decade and let the disk space utilities solve the visibility issue.
quotemstr 36 days ago [-]
It's because of articles like this that computing is an inconsistent mess. When you make a technical proposal in public like this, it's your responsibility to ask yourself "What would it look like if everyone did this?". If the answer is "a personal kind of hell", don't make the proposal.
walth 36 days ago [-]
Also pretty easy to implement disk quotas on a modern system.
Heck, you could even display a warning or the top directories consuming space upon login.
Not a great take - this is a operations problem, not a design problem.
Varriount 36 days ago [-]
What software should be doing is using XDG_CACHE_HOME, if it is set (along with the other XDG environment variables). That way cache directories will be where the user expects.
1. short and easy to read,
2. good for users, and
3. can be implemented in five minutes.
If we can't have programs follow this simple decades-old convention, we have no hope whatsoever of voluntary consistency in our computing world. It's literally because of the mentality espoused in this article that we can't have nice things.
Unfortunately, we have nothing but social pressure and incensed HN comments to get developers to follow it. That's why the mobile world adopted a "you shall" model: a developer won't spent five minutes to save a million years of user time unless there's some social or technical guardrail forcing his hand.
WhyNotHugo 36 days ago [-]
Agreed. What op wants in this case, is for XDG_CACHE_HOME to default to ~/cache when unset.
The idea is quite reasonable: suddenly all tools that show disk usage will show this directory clearly and you can easily find what’s eating up you space with the same usual tools as always.
Macha 36 days ago [-]
I think they'll find they're in the minority on that opinion, so they should just set XDG_CACHE_HOME, and maybe symlink ~/.cache to ~/cache for those programs that have just hardcoded ~/.cache
mystified5016 36 days ago [-]
Are dot folders actually a problem? I have show hidden files turned on globally everywhere always. I don't really understand how people operate otherwise.
WhyNotHugo 35 days ago [-]
So it sounds like having them hidden is a problem for you, given that you've disabled this behaviour globally.
Some folk just don't want to configure every single application to unhide them (or have no idea that they exist in the first place).
hiccuphippo 36 days ago [-]
> Dear everyone writing Unix programs that cache things in dot-directories (.cache, .local, etc): please don't. Create a non-dot directory for it.
If it doesn't live inside ~/.cache or ~/.program/cache then I won't know if I can delete it or not.
If you are not putting your cache in one of those folders, I'd expect the application itself to have a clear-cache option or for it to do it automatically from time to time.
jmclnx 36 days ago [-]
To me, on OpenBSD that kind of breaks the purpose of unveil.
Firefox and chrome on OpenBSD is patched to use pledge and unveil. That restricts where these programs can read/write data. I would not want a program to have access to all cache data for every program.
To me, if you see dir cache, you can clear it. In fact, I have a cron job to clear cache data older than a week for Firefox. No issues doing this for many years.
lloeki 36 days ago [-]
> I would not want a program to have access to all cache data for every program.
Then XDG_CACHE_DIR doesn't change anything?
The path is going to be $XDG_CACHE_DIR/$PROGRAM which is what would get allowed (and neighbour subdirs disallowed); no program would get to see the others' cache.
I just checked and I have a ~/.cache/firefox right there.
Having it at a single root point means it's trivial to make all cache ephemeral in any way one chooses.
jmclnx 36 days ago [-]
I am not sure if XDG_CACHE_DIR is set or not. But for some reason I think it is unveiled in the firefox config file in /etc. My OpenBSD system is powered down right now so I cannot check.
rererereferred 36 days ago [-]
How do you know it's a cache dir and not configuration or something else? I don't say programs should have access to the cache directories of other programs just to their own inside ~/.cache.
jmclnx 36 days ago [-]
If I see the name cache I hope it is cache :)
So far that has not failed me yet, maybe some day I will get burned.
rererereferred 36 days ago [-]
I thing there was a confussion. I was arguing against putting it somewhere that is not ~/.cache/program or ~/.program/cache, for example in ~/program, which would not have the string `cache` in the name.
yjftsjthsd-h 36 days ago [-]
Can ex. Firefox not unveil($HOME/.cache/firefox) ? Or actually I'd prefer unveil($HOME/.cache/firefox/$PROFILE)
jmclnx 36 days ago [-]
Not sure what is being asked.
But there is a config file in /etc on OpenBSD that is used to determine what directories are unveiled. I do not remember the name.
So you can customize that as you see fit, veiling or unveiling items.
yjftsjthsd-h 36 days ago [-]
That isn't my impression of how it works? https://man.openbsd.org/unveil describes a system call that a program uses at runtime, so it should be easy for Firefox to start up and then use unveil() to limit itself to paths it knows it will need (but it can pick those paths dynamically when it starts)
ignoramous 36 days ago [-]
> I'd expect the application itself to have a clear-cache option or for it to do it automatically from time to time.
Android has this. Though, the reason they included a "cache partition" back in the day was to make sure there was always enough space to download flash system.img over-the-air (as wiping clean the cache partition would provide enough room).
bityard 36 days ago [-]
I usually agree with the things that Chris writes but this isn't one of them.
For starters, ~/.cache was invented because everyone was doing their own thing and the previous situation was FAR worse.
I don't agree with eliminating the concept of dot directories in unix just because some people haven't learned about them yet.
And of course he acknowledges that their environment is unique.
What I would do: run a script to symlink '.cache' to 'cache' in entry users home dir. Then it's not hidden anymore.
yonatan8070 36 days ago [-]
I don't think that putting cache in .cache is bad, as long as everyone does it. But some programs (like VS Code and Chromium) decided that .config is a good place for their cache and local files, which I think is a bigger problem.
c0l0 36 days ago [-]
XDG_CACHE_HOME, as mentioned by numerous other posters, is a good remedy to deal with this kind of cached-artifacts-sprawl - but it does need a will to cooperate and care from the original software developer in the first place, which ain't a given.
I went on GitHub to see if anyone was using this cachedir tag signature. Found many results so that’s cool :)
But ironically, if I’m reading correctly the command line ncurses based disk usage tool ncdu seems like it will intentionally ignore any directory that has this cachedir tag.
Which is the very sort of thing the original post was complaining about that happens with invisible .cache directories too :^)
klodolph 36 days ago [-]
I get kinda pissed at any program that creates a visible directory.
hooli_gan 36 days ago [-]
Also dot files and directories in my home. Why do programs decide to treat my home like a junkyard?
NewJazz 36 days ago [-]
At one point I markedy home directory as read only. Subdirs were read-write.
The number of programs that would silently or cryptically fail was too much. Had to cave in and allow them free reign.
nimih 36 days ago [-]
If your users are not fluent enough in Linux/Unix tools and conventions to be able to figure out how large a single standardized dotfile in their home directory is, I really don’t think the problem is “application developers are following a well-known standard.”
It began as a dirty hack in "ls", in order to skip displaying "." and "..", it looked only at the first character of a file name. Exact string comparison is costly, and early UNIX could not afford that price.
Then people noticed that other ".whatevers" will also be "hidden", unless "-a" is specified.
Then it snowballed into hell.
Both Plan 9 and OS X tried to fix it, with "~/lib" and "~/Library" respectively, but especially as the latter was and is a certified UNIX, there's no avoiding a hundred random dot files and directories. I try to delete stuff I know I won't need again but...
$ uname
$ ls -a | grep '^\.' | wc -l
Twenty of those were important enough for me to put them in version control, the rest is random crap. Even Hammerspoon, a *native* Mac app that hooks itself deeply into the OS APIs, uses its own dot directory.
Advice for all programs: follow the XDG spec[1]. Advice for OS vendors: default them to something more reasonable; ~/Library sounds appealing since we already use ~/Desktop, ~/Downloads, and so on.
I wish they showed by default and you added a term to hide them.
Apple does not help here as they used to use ~/Library/Caches for all but now with sandboxes each Container has its own Cache and the sirectory they are in sometimes has a random name not simply the app name.
dlachausse 36 days ago [-]
Fun fact, hidden dot files were not designed, but were the result of an early UNIX bug that users and developers came to depend on…
> As noted by Haelwenn /элвэн/, a plain 'du' will find such dotfiles. The problem is that plain 'du' is more or less useless for most people; to really take advantage of it, you have to know the right trick (not just the -h argument but feeding it to sort to find things). How I think most people use 'du' to find space hogs is they start in their home directory with 'du -s ' (or maybe 'du -hs ') and then they look at whatever big things show up. This will completely miss things in dot-directories in normal usage.
I don't understand. `du` indeed finds the dotfiles (and dot-folders); and if their contents are large, then they'll be noticed by someone who "looks at whatever big things show up". It's not at all clear to me why I'd be using a combination like `du -s *`.
Besides, there are more ways to hide the data from yourself (e.g. symlinking your desktop from somewhere else).
That said, I have found `ncdu` invaluable for navigating through the results, swapping between different views etc.
> And on Linux desktops, I believe that common GUI file browsers will omit dot-directories by default and may not even have a particularly accessible option to change that (this is certainly the behavior of Cinnamon's 'Files' application and I can't imagine that GNOME is different, considering their attitude).
"Cinnamon's 'Files' application" is Nemo, wherein you can right-click on any window and check the "show hidden files" option in the context menu (admittedly a strange placement, since it's a global setting).
atq2119 36 days ago [-]
I'd like to second the recommendation of ncdu.
If anything can be taken home from this article, it's that perhaps desktop environments need to do a better job helping users to understand disk utilisation.
The article's own recommendation would just make things worse. Application authors should stick to XDG standard directories.
rednafi 36 days ago [-]
I'm not sure I agree with this. The `~/.cache` directory is a standard, and it's usually the first place I check when I suspect my disk usage is too high. I do most of my personal work on a 15-inch MacBook Air with 16 GB of memory but only a tiny 256 GB disk.
I agree that putting cache files in `~/.cargo/cache` is worse than using the global `~/.cache`, but imagine the chaos if everyone decided to add their cache directory directly under the home folder without putting a dot in front of it.
Also, I believe the XDG spec should be followed on both macOS and Linux. Doing it differently on Mac is just a pain.
dare944 36 days ago [-]
Yeah, no. The author's suggestion is reminiscent of the way Windows apps tend to dump their icons and directories straight onto the Desktop. It creates a God-awful mess that effectively hides anything the user tries to put there.
Imagine what your home directory would look like if you did 'mv ${HOME}/.cache/* ${HOME}'. No thank you.
App developers should not clutter my home directory with visible application-specific subdirectories. That's a fast way to get your application kicked to the curb.
jsrcout 36 days ago [-]
I aliased ls to ls -A ages ago. While of course this doesn't solve any specific problems, it keeps one much more aware of what all's floating around in your home directory dotfiles.
koakuma-chan 36 days ago [-]
> It's my view that this is a mistake and that everyone should put their big caches in a clearly visible directory or directory hierarchy, one that people can actually find in practice.
ls -a ~
neilv 36 days ago [-]
You can put `.cache` in RAM (reducing wear on your SSD), with a fixed size limit. If something tries to exceed that limit, you'll know:
$ df ~/.cache
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
tmpfs 819200 66360 752840 9% /home/user/.cache
Netch 36 days ago [-]
With the manner exposed by the most feature-full DEs, Iʼd expect setting default to ~/Cache (not ~/cache, the latter is for the userʼs discretion).
But, I tend to agree with the main articleʼs premise that without a special teaching for the issue most newcomers will lose the issue.
jonnycomputer 36 days ago [-]
Well looks like everyone has already said what i came to say.
XDG for the win.
The problem isn't the standard, its all the applications that don't follow it.
deadlypointer 36 days ago [-]
I really like ncdu, which helps interactively detect and delete big unused directories.
Use an appropriately named folder (hi Nvidia, I hate your ".nv") in XDG_CACHE_HOME like every well behaved program in the past decade and let the disk space utilities solve the visibility issue.
Heck, you could even display a warning or the top directories consuming space upon login.
Not a great take - this is a operations problem, not a design problem.
Unfortunately, we have nothing but social pressure and incensed HN comments to get developers to follow it. That's why the mobile world adopted a "you shall" model: a developer won't spent five minutes to save a million years of user time unless there's some social or technical guardrail forcing his hand.
The idea is quite reasonable: suddenly all tools that show disk usage will show this directory clearly and you can easily find what’s eating up you space with the same usual tools as always.
Some folk just don't want to configure every single application to unhide them (or have no idea that they exist in the first place).
If it doesn't live inside ~/.cache or ~/.program/cache then I won't know if I can delete it or not.
If you are not putting your cache in one of those folders, I'd expect the application itself to have a clear-cache option or for it to do it automatically from time to time.
Firefox and chrome on OpenBSD is patched to use pledge and unveil. That restricts where these programs can read/write data. I would not want a program to have access to all cache data for every program.
To me, if you see dir cache, you can clear it. In fact, I have a cron job to clear cache data older than a week for Firefox. No issues doing this for many years.
Then XDG_CACHE_DIR doesn't change anything?
The path is going to be $XDG_CACHE_DIR/$PROGRAM which is what would get allowed (and neighbour subdirs disallowed); no program would get to see the others' cache.
I just checked and I have a ~/.cache/firefox right there.
Having it at a single root point means it's trivial to make all cache ephemeral in any way one chooses.
So far that has not failed me yet, maybe some day I will get burned.
But there is a config file in /etc on OpenBSD that is used to determine what directories are unveiled. I do not remember the name.
So you can customize that as you see fit, veiling or unveiling items.
Android has this. Though, the reason they included a "cache partition" back in the day was to make sure there was always enough space to download flash system.img over-the-air (as wiping clean the cache partition would provide enough room).
For starters, ~/.cache was invented because everyone was doing their own thing and the previous situation was FAR worse.
I don't agree with eliminating the concept of dot directories in unix just because some people haven't learned about them yet.
And of course he acknowledges that their environment is unique.
What I would do: run a script to symlink '.cache' to 'cache' in entry users home dir. Then it's not hidden anymore.
So does another standard that I've come to appreciate in all software that supports it: CACHEDIR.TAG (https://github.com/LineageOS/charter/blob/main/device-suppor...) - I'm just here to spread the word! ;)
For posterity: https://bford.info/cachedir/ is what I was meant to link to above. Sorry for the inconvenience.
But ironically, if I’m reading correctly the command line ncurses based disk usage tool ncdu seems like it will intentionally ignore any directory that has this cachedir tag.
Which is the very sort of thing the original post was complaining about that happens with invisible .cache directories too :^)
The number of programs that would silently or cryptically fail was too much. Had to cave in and allow them free reign.
Use XDG dirs: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/XDG_Base_Directory#User_dir...
It began as a dirty hack in "ls", in order to skip displaying "." and "..", it looked only at the first character of a file name. Exact string comparison is costly, and early UNIX could not afford that price.
Then people noticed that other ".whatevers" will also be "hidden", unless "-a" is specified.
Then it snowballed into hell.
Both Plan 9 and OS X tried to fix it, with "~/lib" and "~/Library" respectively, but especially as the latter was and is a certified UNIX, there's no avoiding a hundred random dot files and directories. I try to delete stuff I know I won't need again but...
Twenty of those were important enough for me to put them in version control, the rest is random crap. Even Hammerspoon, a *native* Mac app that hooks itself deeply into the OS APIs, uses its own dot directory.Advice for all programs: follow the XDG spec[1]. Advice for OS vendors: default them to something more reasonable; ~/Library sounds appealing since we already use ~/Desktop, ~/Downloads, and so on.
[1]: https://specifications.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/latest/
the `du -s *` really shows that.
I wish they showed by default and you added a term to hide them.
Apple does not help here as they used to use ~/Library/Caches for all but now with sandboxes each Container has its own Cache and the sirectory they are in sometimes has a random name not simply the app name.
I don't understand. `du` indeed finds the dotfiles (and dot-folders); and if their contents are large, then they'll be noticed by someone who "looks at whatever big things show up". It's not at all clear to me why I'd be using a combination like `du -s *`.
Besides, there are more ways to hide the data from yourself (e.g. symlinking your desktop from somewhere else).
That said, I have found `ncdu` invaluable for navigating through the results, swapping between different views etc.
> And on Linux desktops, I believe that common GUI file browsers will omit dot-directories by default and may not even have a particularly accessible option to change that (this is certainly the behavior of Cinnamon's 'Files' application and I can't imagine that GNOME is different, considering their attitude).
"Cinnamon's 'Files' application" is Nemo, wherein you can right-click on any window and check the "show hidden files" option in the context menu (admittedly a strange placement, since it's a global setting).
If anything can be taken home from this article, it's that perhaps desktop environments need to do a better job helping users to understand disk utilisation.
The article's own recommendation would just make things worse. Application authors should stick to XDG standard directories.
I agree that putting cache files in `~/.cargo/cache` is worse than using the global `~/.cache`, but imagine the chaos if everyone decided to add their cache directory directly under the home folder without putting a dot in front of it.
Also, I believe the XDG spec should be followed on both macOS and Linux. Doing it differently on Mac is just a pain.
Imagine what your home directory would look like if you did 'mv ${HOME}/.cache/* ${HOME}'. No thank you.
App developers should not clutter my home directory with visible application-specific subdirectories. That's a fast way to get your application kicked to the curb.
ls -a ~
But, I tend to agree with the main articleʼs premise that without a special teaching for the issue most newcomers will lose the issue.
XDG for the win.
The problem isn't the standard, its all the applications that don't follow it.