Ask HN: Do you know travel blogs that have animated SVG maps of their travels?
peterldowns 40 days ago [-]
Craig Mod's "Koya Bound" website has beautiful photos and custom SVG maps.

I thought this was so compelling that I ended up walking the trail myself. Incredible experience.

lbebber 40 days ago [-]
Oh, this was based off of a project I made for Codrops[1]. Let me know if you'd like some help or input!


CharlesW 40 days ago [-]
That and your other projects at are stellar, Lucas!
lbebber 40 days ago [-]
Thank you, glad you like it!
trebeljahr 38 days ago [-]
+1 to this!

What great work :)

whycome 40 days ago [-]
Is there something like this that uses KMZ waypoints to craft the map/animation?
cmod 40 days ago [-]
Thank you for building this; over the years the bus animation has gone a bit wonky, but otherwise the page holds up really well. It’s a great library you built.
lbebber 39 days ago [-]
Beautiful work! I thought the bus was a fun goofy touch on its first appearance hahah
peterldowns 40 days ago [-]
I didn't realize you were the original programmer on this — amazing work!
lbebber 39 days ago [-]
Thank you! I both programmed and designed this--I miss doing this kind of work.
neuraldenis 40 days ago [-]
Amazing project, love it!
exabrial 40 days ago [-]
This is the first time for me where a website hijacked the scroll wheel, and it's actually _really really_ well done. This is amazing. Thanks for posting it.
daemonologist 40 days ago [-]
The key is that it doesn't actually hijack the scroll wheel - the main content (header and text and photos on the left) all scrolls normally, controlled by the browser. The map just monitors the scroll position and element client rects and runs its own non-blocking visualization on the side.

I agree - beautifully implemented, and great content too.

kyleblarson 40 days ago [-]
Doing a temple stay at Koyasan is by far my favorite lifetime travel experience.
trebeljahr 38 days ago [-]
what made it so special?
bpev 39 days ago [-]
Fyi for those who tap in and see the map in the background instead of to the right of the content, the layout/treatment feels pretty different for desktop vs mobile.
trebeljahr 38 days ago [-]
This is soooo cool! It is not the blog I was searching for but wow :) Thanks for sharing it.
wahnfrieden 40 days ago [-]
His newer Iseji one is nice too

benabbott 40 days ago [-]
This is really well done.
nicwolff 40 days ago [-]
That's just terrific!
BOOSTERHIDROGEN 40 days ago [-]
This gem.
skadamat 40 days ago [-]
I came here to link to this! I also spent a week trying to find this a few years back :)
rvrs 41 days ago [-]
Is it this one?

EDIT: Any HN mods/devs reading this -- there seems to be a display bug for comment creation time? On edit it says 20hrs (accurate), whereas viewing the comments otherwise shows that it was posted an hour ago. Not sure what's going on

mtmail 40 days ago [-]
There's something called a second-chance queue for overlooked submissions (listed on

Some older users (I think YC alumni) can nominate articles and moderators give them a boost. The timestamp doesn't change, I've seen 2 day old articles appearing. It's a bit confusing, I think it was hacked in years ago but works good enough.

PStamatiou 39 days ago [-]
That's my site! I did it for quite a few photosets, like this one

Surprised it still mostly works fine many years later

slopdo 38 days ago [-]
I'm not able to find the post that OP refers to about how you animated the SVGs. Maybe you could share the link? Thanks!
trebeljahr 38 days ago [-]
thanks for the great work :)
trebeljahr 38 days ago [-]

That's the one :) Thank you so much for finding it!

yapyap 40 days ago [-]
I also see it as posted an hour ago, and see the original thread post as 2 hours ago.


illwrks 40 days ago [-]
So.. I don't know what you're talking about but I work in a corporate environment where we can't use JS but we can use SVG images... As a consequence I end up creating graphics in illustrator, exporting to SVG and then hand animating them with CSS animations.

I wouldn't recommend doing it my way, but for path animations they are likely animating the stroke length. Here is an example that might help, but use an animation tool if you can.

One thing of note with stroke animations.. if you transition to/from negative numbers the animation breaks in Safari (negative numbers are out of spec aparently). There is a work around but I can't remember it at the moment, it results in the stroke animation playing in reverse though.

As mentioned above, if you can use a JS library, use one.

trebeljahr 38 days ago [-]
nice, thanks for the article. Never seen this trick before but it looks super neat.

What sort of JS library would you recommend for a similar effect to this? PixiJs, D3, Paper, P5.js, good old vanilla canvas?

illwrks 38 days ago [-]
It depends on what your overall goal is. GSAP is a great but I’m not sure it’s suitable for SVG as it’s been a long time since I’ve used it.

If you have access to creative tools like illustrator and after effects then perhaps Lottie.

There are other tools on my radar but I’ve never used them SVGGator

sflanker 42 days ago [-] Not an exact match for your description, but in the same vein
lbebber 40 days ago [-]
Oh, I made this! (almost a decade ago, huh)
trebeljahr 38 days ago [-]
this is one of the coolest things I've seen in a while and I'll take inspiration from the article.

Also, funny how in the blog post it says the Github will come soon and now almost a decade later there is still no Github link :)

bazzargh 40 days ago [-]
Not animated or svg, but along the same lines, some years ago I wrote which automates generating stripmaps. The idea was to eventually use this for travelogues of my cycling trips; a map of the route would be a sidebar to the text.

Since then I learned about as a way to find the path segments; combined with Douglas-Puecker that's probably what I'd use today.

sflanker 42 days ago [-]
Tangentially interesting: while leveraging Perplexity to try and find the blog post in question this post and your StackOverflow question already pollute the results it draws from and causes it to abort any more detailed search for such a blog post. I find this mildly amusing.
datadrivenangel 40 days ago [-]
Like when my googling solutions to a niche data integration interaction between two tools resulted in a first page result for one of my coworker's linkedin posts asking if anyone in her network knew the answer... The internet is shallow sometimes.
jachee 40 days ago [-]
This is Dead Internet theory in action.
trebeljahr 38 days ago [-]
have you seen the Freya Holmer video on generative AI as a parasitic cancer?

Also I love how the internet is "dead", yet here we are, on a website with a bunch of humans providing soooo much value that at least corners of the internet still seem very much alive.

I wish there were more sites like HN.

throwaway519 41 days ago [-]
haha, I just asked ChatGPT and it references this HN post.

It's a small world.

trebeljahr 38 days ago [-]
whut?! this is unreal.
1wheel 40 days ago [-]
trebeljahr 38 days ago [-]
this is super cool! Do you know how they achieve this effect?
matallo 40 days ago [-]
I built something similar for my blog

I didn't write a tutorial but you can check the code here

alanbernstein 40 days ago [-]
I have been working, slowly, toward a way to do something like this, for years. My latest attempt ( is not professional or polished, but it does work. IIRC it is canvas rather than SVG, and the "animation" is driven by the photo slideshow.

Tangentially, I find that the bulk of the work is in compiling and prepping the assets, including multiple camera devices, incorrect timestamps, buggy rotation exif data, captions from multiple sources, GPS tracks from multiple sources...

Thanks for asking here, I'm looking forward to finding a better way to do it.

wonder_er 40 days ago [-]
This is a cool project!

I tried to do something similar using the Strava API. Never could get precise-enough lat and long to place them nicely on a map.

Some of my wild amount of data is visible here:

alanbernstein 38 days ago [-]
Cool. Looks like your tracks are lined up with streets, what's the precision problem?
wonder_er 35 days ago [-]
I cannot get lat/long for the photos. Strava obv stores it bc they render the images with pins showing exactly where the photo was taken.

I could only put the photos at like the very beginning of the route or randomly distribute them along the route.

I prob could/should do that. It would be vastly more information than I currently present on the map

40 days ago [-]
CharlieDigital 40 days ago [-]
Might not be what you're looking for, but about 2 years back now I built a little tool that does something similar to this (not SVG) and no special coding/skills required

Check out the sample story here:

As you scroll down past the days, it will show the map and places for each day (on desktop).

The front-end of this is a planning app for planning the itinerary and the "story" is one output of the planner.

chris_overseas 40 days ago [-]
Not quite what you're asking for, but there was this discussion and website that you'll hopefully find relevant:

wkat4242 40 days ago [-]
I remember Google had a really cool tool based on their maps that could animate journeys. It was pretty good but I haven't heard about it for years. I don't even remember the name. Probably killed anyway, knowing Google.
knowknowledge 40 days ago [-]
Here’s one from a few months ago “HOW I ADDED MAPS TO MY TRAVEL POSTS”

benolivia 38 days ago [-]
honestly I love this post and it's great to read but I'm also here to share ideas of What I've experience so far, although this may not concern the book, but it's very important for you to know, 2 days ago I saw a guy and he's was named Timothy, he posted a review here, about jbee spy team, are first I didn't believe, I thought it was a scam and I even reported this account, well, I was having issues with my bitcoin account, because it was hacked by scammers, and there was a lot of money in that account, so I needed a way out I tried going to the Bitcoin office but there was nothing to do about it, so I contacted them, and within 10 minutes my account was restored, and thay help me track down the scammer too, honestly I was so happy but I was angry at the same time because i reported someone who is trying to help us, please Timothy forgive me I can't bring your account back but I can find a way to reach out to others and let them know what happened

you can contact them on telegram +44 7456 058620 or via email

if you need any assist, I can bet you 100% sure

jfkrrorj 40 days ago [-]
Heh, i just asked deepseek for fun. It gave me python script that takes photos, uses exif coordinates and OSM. 15 minutes
anonzzzies 40 days ago [-]
How about at least put it in a gist?
chewymouse 40 days ago [-]
what was the prompt?