DragonRuby is incredible and the community is wildly supportive. Love that this is getting traction on HN. Ruby is really having a renaissance.
mysterydip 18 days ago [-]
I just switched a month ago to doing gamedev in dragonruby and it's been a real positive move. Hot reloading of the script while the game is running at its current state has allowed me to debug faster and try new features or ideas (should jump be 7.5? try 7.8. maybe 7.75)
trevorhinesley 18 days ago [-]
Love that! Amir and crew are very responsive on Discord as well, which makes a DX difference.
kace91 18 days ago [-]
>Ruby is really having a renaissance.
Any projects/resources to check? I'll start using ruby at work and I could use some recommendations to properly get into the language.
trevorhinesley 17 days ago [-]
That’s one of the beautiful things about the massive Ruby ecosystem: the answer to that question is almost always yes, regardless of your need.
I’m not sure what your line of work is, but if you’re doing web dev, check this out for a great primer on the current state of things (Rails 8 + Hotwire): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cEn_83zRFw
If you’d prefer just some straight Ruby resources, Ruby Warrior is (or was, been a while since I’ve used it but it appears actively maintained still) a fun intro: https://github.com/ryanb/ruby-warrior
Malp 18 days ago [-]
Awesome to see the progress made by Alex, highly recommend watching the linked talk for people interested in any of Ruby, (AoT) compilers, and MLIR (which I haven't seen used too much outside of the ML space, personally)
Alifatisk 18 days ago [-]
Fascinating, does the project aspire to become compatible with MRI Ruby? Also how many active Ruby implementations do we have so far?
That's a bit light on the details, and I can't make any sense of "To use stdio even you literally need kernel-level privileges on Console.", C's stdio doesn't require special privileges to use, nor does Crystal's, afaik.
Maybe someone else will know that means.
remexre 18 days ago [-]
I think Console is as in XBox or PlayStation, not as in the kind of application.
brigandish 17 days ago [-]
Ah, the use of Germanic uppercased nouns in English sent me the wrong way. Thanks.
amirrajan 18 days ago [-]
More poignant examples would be `dirent.h` and `system`. Getting access to the file system on a console, or the ability to start up a process out of band is not allowed.
trevorhinesley 18 days ago [-]
Which task? DragonRuby uses a custom mruby build to target cross platform game releases so their goal is to fit the Ruby lang spec, which Crystal does not adhere to.
mdaniel 18 days ago [-]
> their goal is to fit the Ruby lang spec
I honestly thought that "ruby lang spec" was "whatever Matz ruby does." The ISO-IEC-30170 standard cited by mruby's readme seems to be laughably old but I can't obviously tell if mruby is a superset of the ISO or a subset. Their use of the phrase "part of the ISO standard" doesn't help
Matz is the creator and maintainer of Ruby, yes. mruby is a subset to my knowledge, and I don't think it's 100% parity with Ruby MRI (CRuby), which is basically what the lang spec is built around to my knowledge.
Any projects/resources to check? I'll start using ruby at work and I could use some recommendations to properly get into the language.
I’m not sure what your line of work is, but if you’re doing web dev, check this out for a great primer on the current state of things (Rails 8 + Hotwire): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cEn_83zRFw
If you’d prefer just some straight Ruby resources, Ruby Warrior is (or was, been a while since I’ve used it but it appears actively maintained still) a fun intro: https://github.com/ryanb/ruby-warrior
Edit: Found this, https://github.com/codicoscepticos/ruby-implementations?tab=...
Maybe someone else will know that means.
I honestly thought that "ruby lang spec" was "whatever Matz ruby does." The ISO-IEC-30170 standard cited by mruby's readme seems to be laughably old but I can't obviously tell if mruby is a superset of the ISO or a subset. Their use of the phrase "part of the ISO standard" doesn't help
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