You can also make your own functions skippable by default with either the `[[gnu::artificial]]` or (the newer and more generalized) `[[gnu::nodebug]]` in GCC and Clang.
__declspec(non_user_code) for those wondering about MSVC
davelee 51 days ago [-]
For lldb, checkout the `sif` command. It lets you step into a specific function by name. If the current line is `doFunStuff(a(), b())`, and I want to step past the a and b functions, then I can step into doFunStuff by running `sif Fun`. You could type in the whole name but it works matches by substring.
scotty79 50 days ago [-]
You could also ctrl+click the function name and put breakpoint on the first line of the function body and press F9 to continue execution.