I love the idea of this type of app, but feel like local storage is too fragile to be the system of record. Any way to backup to disk or cloud storage?
Klaster_1 22 days ago [-]
My application [0] I used daily for 13 years stores the data in localStorage and I had several unpleasant data loss incidents - mostly me cleaning storage of the wrong browser tab. Thankfully, a simple JSON dump/import feature enables a good enough degree of reliability. Thanks to it, I didn't lose any data in 5 years, but now I have a questionable habit where I defensively export data before every major edit or deployment.
Simple localStorage replication has been an interest of mine for many years and I explore available solutions multiple times a year, but none of these ticks all the boxes - no server to maintain; free; optional for users; bring your own storage; the app stays a web page; cross-browser. I wish browsers had a file system API that allowed the app to read/write to specified directory or a file in background, which users may sync with their tool of choice, like Google Drive.
Exactly! The number of subscription saas apps that could be replaced by open source if there was a bring your own storage API would be astounding. This might be exactly why browser makers will not add it.
mlok 22 days ago [-]
Add your browser data directory to your backup folders list, and restore that folder in case of a localStorage loss, that should do it.
Klaster_1 22 days ago [-]
If that works for you - I am glad, however, this approach won't work across different browsers and OSes.
yoavm 22 days ago [-]
This made me think - is there a simple way to sync localStorage with my Firefox profile? If not, it doesn't sound like a WebExtension too difficult to create.
I actually implemented an export/restore function at one point and ended up taking it out.
I waffled heavily on that feature but in the end only losing the last recorded weight for each exercise didn’t feel like enough of a loss to warrant the cluttering up of the interface or reliance on external services.
yjftsjthsd-h 22 days ago [-]
As you kinda note in the readme, that does mean that you can't migrate between browsers/machines, though since it can only save a week of data that's less impactful. Not my style, but the design decisions do work together.
bityard 22 days ago [-]
I like simple, but this looks almost _too_ simple. You say you got burned out on metrics, but where you see clutter and distraction, I see data for identifying patterns. I track my measurements and like to see how much weight I'm lifting and how far I'm running over time. IME, it's easy to get stuck on a plateau and not really notice it when life gets busy and "get the workout over with" starts to become the only goal.
Right now, I'm following established programs and tracking what I do in a Google spreadsheet. I certainly don't love relying on Google but I need to be able to edit and view my workouts from both my computer at home (for planning) and on my phone at the gym (for entering data).
Avfrosta 22 days ago [-]
There's something beautiful about creating software in the absolute simplest possible way there is, html.
Good job, will definitely try it. But I know myself, will end up looking for something just a little more advanced. And before I know it I end up staring at graphs trying to figure out what my hours/day solving JS bugs has to do with my weight...
remram 22 days ago [-]
It does have JavaScript, it's not just HTML.
jarebear6expepj 22 days ago [-]
Well, certainly some HTML ... but mostly vanilla javascript. Which in its own right is also beautiful.
triyambakam 22 days ago [-]
The demo link is to the raw HTML rather than rendered. I am on mobile so maybe that's why? I'm not sure what headers are being sent. A demo or screenshot would be great.
gazook89 22 days ago [-]
You need to take that file and drop it in githack.com or just open the link in GitHub and change “github” to “githack”.
Very cool! I like the simplicity of it. Right now I'm working on something similar for myself (and some of my family), but maybe other people find it potentially interesting too? Essentially I'm building a webapp that each time I use it will arrange random ~5-7 lower back exercises from a list of ~25 for a total of 10 minutes session. Then it will guide me (only time and name of exercise) through the workout session (counting down the exercise time, and pause/break time). The problem I'm solving is to not have to think too much about what exercise I should/want to do next, make it a little bit more fun/interesting (due to randomness aspect) and free my hands from operating a timer to time myself (also less likely to drift to social media or youtube videos).
DrPhish 22 days ago [-]
I had a spreadsheet set up much like that in the past: it would bubble up the exercises I'd done the longest ago for a particular muscle group so I'd always get variety. It worked pretty good, but I found myself often avoiding unpleasant exercises when given choices and eventually the whole arrangement fell apart due to too many moving pieces. I also didn't see the kind of extra benefit that I thought I'd gain from performing so many variations.
I also used to set up fully scheduled on/off timers for specific exercises in an app, but found that any interruption would throw the whole thing off, annoying me to no end.
However, your last point was also my biggest enemy. If I get distracted online for long enough to cool down to the point that I'm worried about injury, the whole session tends to just blow straight out. That's the main driver I had for putting the simple timer in the footer: keep my device on one screen from beginning to end!
mmahemoff 22 days ago [-]
I’ve also been toying with a timer based app that incorporates some randomness, which I feel is usually missing or poorly handled in fitness apps. Some random exercises and variable-range durations should improve motivation and give your body a better workout.
To quote Arnie: “You have to shock the muscle, and you have to trick the muscle. The body will adapt to anything you do, so you have to keep it guessing. That’s how you grow.”
I wanted something to create realistic yet slightly randomised warm ups and finishers - similar to CrossFit wods but more structured.
Behind the scenes I use a formula that estimates a total work capacity.
Feedback welcome!
oulipo 22 days ago [-]
I guess this should be easy to build on val.town or https://bolt.new/
cj 22 days ago [-]
Nice work. Any recommendations for folks looking for an app that suggests workouts and routines based on prior workout history? (E.g. identifying muscle groups not being hit by historical routines)
I’ve just been keeping a running workout log in Apple Notes for the past couple of months.
I’ve had a lot of success just copy/pasting my workout log into ChatGPT and it’s surprisingly good at making recommendations, but I’m scared that by using an app I’ll loose access to the raw data unless it’s somehow exportable.
KMnO4 22 days ago [-]
Here's what I did:
- I wrote down my goals, equipment, and past workout history.
- Then I asked ChatGPT to generate a P/P/L workouts around that, in 8 separate chat instances
- I then wrote another prompt for a fitness expert adjudicator and asked it to compare two of the workouts, determine their strengths and weaknesses (based on above goals), and develop a third workout based on the strengths of the two provided
- I ran this in "tournament style" for all 8 workouts with three brackets. This ended up converging into an optimal workout
I actually took this final workout to my personal trainer and he said it was perfect for my goals and wouldn't change anything. I've been running it for 3 months now and I am quite happy.
cj 22 days ago [-]
This is something I would happily pay for. And a great use of LLM.
If someone were to turn this into a business, offer the workout advice for free and then charge extra by layering in nutrition and meal plans on top. Then sell to personal trainers for use with their clients.
dleary 22 days ago [-]
If it’s not too privacy-invading, would you mind sharing the chatgpt transcripts for these prompts?
tannedNerd 22 days ago [-]
Fitbod was pretty good about this. You can tell it what gym equipment you have and it will design workouts around that and the muscle groups that aren’t tired from the last session.
faangguyindia 22 days ago [-]
As someone who exercised for the long time but never made much progress (even under IFBB pro coaches in bayarea)
When i started taking growth hormone (10IUs a day), I got bulked and cut in a few months
I suggest not to follow influencers, most of them are not really natural and even if they are, they are probably genetic luck draw (which most like you'll not be)
My uncle is one such genetic freak, he barely works out still he's more buff than you average gym guy without even setting foot anywhere in the gym.
knighthack 22 days ago [-]
Love it! I have my own minimal system for tracking my fitness, which I came to after that typical track of forgetting YAGNI implementing all sorts of features...that never got used, because of how complicated it got.
Simple systems are the best; go only for complicated systems if you're a professional and _need_ complicated tracking features. (And if that's needed, you might be better off hiring a manager to do the tracking anyway.)
binarydreamer 22 days ago [-]
Congrats. How did you decide the amount of exercises and when do you log it? How much do your exercise file grow?
I can't count how many times I have thought about something like this and have decided to build one for myself which includes my liquid, meals, workout, and fun cardio habits. I will be using indexDB for when I'm offline and just a small database.
DrPhish 22 days ago [-]
Thanks! I tried to use a multi-sport cross section of exercises and recovery routines to show some of the things you could do with it, but all the exercises are ones that are related to sports I do to keep it grounded in reality.
I was thinking it would be fun to do git branches with some more well-known and popular routines for different goals to give people a nice range of potential starting points.
As far as how long I let it grow: I used to keep years and years of data, but this app will not be my place for that going forward. This will be for a maintenance/marginal gains habit, and Golden Cheetah will be for running/cycling performance management where peaking actually matters.
Good luck with your own app! I love the idea of an offline capable local db.
reynaldi 22 days ago [-]
Thanks for making it, I love the idea of more and more apps being built using web technologies. I currently use Caliber app (IOS), and it’s robust enough for me, while not too overwhelming and limiting as Strong and Hevy.
Since Minimal is a static website maybe it can be a PWA?
Haha, I unironically considered this as well, but prefer the "always today, only today" clean automatic view and lack of a physical artifact to lose/forget.
I travel for work often enough that being able to get to it on my phone consistently is also an advantage.
For folks looking for something more robust to track their workouts.
shakabrah 22 days ago [-]
I was a strong user for years but I would now suggest https://www.hevyapp.com/. It has everything strong does but also a web app where you can create your programs on.
Most importantly for this crowd, you get a rest api to your data if you spring for the cheap premium plan. Csv export is free though I’m pretty sure
oulipo 22 days ago [-]
Quite like hevy app too
foxhunt 22 days ago [-]
I loved how you minimized functionality in your project! It's inspiring.
Over the holidays, I built a simple habit tracker that lets you track any event's start and end time.
In the process, I upgraded my personal homepage to Next.js 15, added Payload CMS and NextUI, and experimented with React Server Components and Actions.
You can create new event types by entering activities in the top text field. Events are automatically started for new types.
There are a few minor bugs to fix in the new year:
- Event cards don't display correctly on iOS.
- Using no email during registration doesn't work (someone registered without an email, and the field is unique).
moon82 22 days ago [-]
Thanks for sharing, interesting...
pranshuchittora 20 days ago [-]
We are building something similar and more intuitive at hitt AI
Simple localStorage replication has been an interest of mine for many years and I explore available solutions multiple times a year, but none of these ticks all the boxes - no server to maintain; free; optional for users; bring your own storage; the app stays a web page; cross-browser. I wish browsers had a file system API that allowed the app to read/write to specified directory or a file in background, which users may sync with their tool of choice, like Google Drive.
[0] https://github.com/Klaster1/timer-5
I waffled heavily on that feature but in the end only losing the last recorded weight for each exercise didn’t feel like enough of a loss to warrant the cluttering up of the interface or reliance on external services.
Right now, I'm following established programs and tracking what I do in a Google spreadsheet. I certainly don't love relying on Google but I need to be able to edit and view my workouts from both my computer at home (for planning) and on my phone at the gym (for entering data).
Good job, will definitely try it. But I know myself, will end up looking for something just a little more advanced. And before I know it I end up staring at graphs trying to figure out what my hours/day solving JS bugs has to do with my weight...
Like this: https://raw.githack.com/bmtwl/exerciseminimilism/13d4ee27deb...
To quote Arnie: “You have to shock the muscle, and you have to trick the muscle. The body will adapt to anything you do, so you have to keep it guessing. That’s how you grow.”
I wanted something to create realistic yet slightly randomised warm ups and finishers - similar to CrossFit wods but more structured.
Behind the scenes I use a formula that estimates a total work capacity.
Feedback welcome!
I’ve just been keeping a running workout log in Apple Notes for the past couple of months.
I’ve had a lot of success just copy/pasting my workout log into ChatGPT and it’s surprisingly good at making recommendations, but I’m scared that by using an app I’ll loose access to the raw data unless it’s somehow exportable.
- I wrote down my goals, equipment, and past workout history.
- Then I asked ChatGPT to generate a P/P/L workouts around that, in 8 separate chat instances
- I then wrote another prompt for a fitness expert adjudicator and asked it to compare two of the workouts, determine their strengths and weaknesses (based on above goals), and develop a third workout based on the strengths of the two provided
- I ran this in "tournament style" for all 8 workouts with three brackets. This ended up converging into an optimal workout
I actually took this final workout to my personal trainer and he said it was perfect for my goals and wouldn't change anything. I've been running it for 3 months now and I am quite happy.
If someone were to turn this into a business, offer the workout advice for free and then charge extra by layering in nutrition and meal plans on top. Then sell to personal trainers for use with their clients.
When i started taking growth hormone (10IUs a day), I got bulked and cut in a few months
I suggest not to follow influencers, most of them are not really natural and even if they are, they are probably genetic luck draw (which most like you'll not be)
My uncle is one such genetic freak, he barely works out still he's more buff than you average gym guy without even setting foot anywhere in the gym.
Simple systems are the best; go only for complicated systems if you're a professional and _need_ complicated tracking features. (And if that's needed, you might be better off hiring a manager to do the tracking anyway.)
I can't count how many times I have thought about something like this and have decided to build one for myself which includes my liquid, meals, workout, and fun cardio habits. I will be using indexDB for when I'm offline and just a small database.
I was thinking it would be fun to do git branches with some more well-known and popular routines for different goals to give people a nice range of potential starting points.
As far as how long I let it grow: I used to keep years and years of data, but this app will not be my place for that going forward. This will be for a maintenance/marginal gains habit, and Golden Cheetah will be for running/cycling performance management where peaking actually matters.
Good luck with your own app! I love the idea of an offline capable local db.
Since Minimal is a static website maybe it can be a PWA?
For folks looking for something more robust to track their workouts.
Most importantly for this crowd, you get a rest api to your data if you spring for the cheap premium plan. Csv export is free though I’m pretty sure
Over the holidays, I built a simple habit tracker that lets you track any event's start and end time.
In the process, I upgraded my personal homepage to Next.js 15, added Payload CMS and NextUI, and experimented with React Server Components and Actions.
Check it out: https://mojica.de/tracker
You can create new event types by entering activities in the top text field. Events are automatically started for new types.
There are a few minor bugs to fix in the new year:
... Launching soon