As mentioned, Wolfram livestreams some of his working sessions on Twitch, he calls it "Live CEOing". I put it on sometimes in the background while remote working; it does a great job emulating the in-office effect of having an interesting conversation nearby to tune out, which I find helps me focus.
(In fact, there's an inmense archive of his "second", "public", screen ...
... he records and archives it).-
Also, incredible: He has filed and accesible works from when he was 11 years old.-
Some people are just born with an innate gift for meticulouness and organization, I guess.-
I am sure that correlates greatly with success, the ability to be so tidy, thoughtful, organized.-)
zcw100 261 days ago [-]
I’m not so sure it correlates, although I can see where you’re coming from. I know plenty of people who don’t get jack done because they’re so busy being tidy, thoughtful and organized.
(Frankly, I was kind of surprised this had not been posted before.
... Thanks for pointing those out).-
chipz 262 days ago [-]
Still worth the re-read for me, and I thank you for it
fiforpg 263 days ago [-]
One thing I remember liking in this post was his personal homepage (a little further down). There has been a recent HN discussion of Glance, a personal dashboard, but Wolfram's seemed more effective.
Bluestein 262 days ago [-]
... also, his personal video recording, "one man" setup is great.-
... and his use of "standing desks" long before they were a thing, which evolved into a "outdoor walking laptop" and everything.-
Overall impressive.-
digitalsushi 262 days ago [-]
If I could visually persist 3 lines of a terminal in my vision, and then otherwise use the functionality of a cell phone with ear buds with microphones, I think I could do 60% of my job while walking around in the forest behind my house. Most of the time I wouldn't need the terminal.
Do my cohorts, who have drifted into positions of tech lead, and then onwards as technical mentors to younger dev teams, find the same? I know I betray my communication style by admitting I don't need to see the screen; I prefer to see their world through a mental model built by words and sensing body language through tones and pauses. I'm not even sure I'm in the right line of work most days, at this point.
ilrwbwrkhv 262 days ago [-]
He has found the ultimate hack in living in a modern capitalistic economy. Have a private company which has a cash cow and allows you to work on whatever projects you want and has less than a thousand employees.
Even valve is somewhat similar and they produce some of the most interesting, unique things without having to bend a knee for shareholders.
theGnuMe 262 days ago [-]
Mathematica is an amazing piece of software that will get better with LLM integration. Hopefully they can innovate on that feature set while he is
focusing on the computational universe. Mathematica is the jarvis/iron man
dan-g 262 days ago [-]
(2019)—Would be curious to see how his setup has changed post-LLM.
... he records and archives it).-
Also, incredible: He has filed and accesible works from when he was 11 years old.-
Some people are just born with an innate gift for meticulouness and organization, I guess.-
I am sure that correlates greatly with success, the ability to be so tidy, thoughtful, organized.-)
Nov 2022
Feb 2021
... Thanks for pointing those out).-
... and his use of "standing desks" long before they were a thing, which evolved into a "outdoor walking laptop" and everything.-
Overall impressive.-
Do my cohorts, who have drifted into positions of tech lead, and then onwards as technical mentors to younger dev teams, find the same? I know I betray my communication style by admitting I don't need to see the screen; I prefer to see their world through a mental model built by words and sensing body language through tones and pauses. I'm not even sure I'm in the right line of work most days, at this point.
Even valve is somewhat similar and they produce some of the most interesting, unique things without having to bend a knee for shareholders.