What I want to know is why/how they looked at this inevitability and leaned 150% into it. How does this make them money?
trod1234 18 days ago [-]
Up to a point they could simply deny that AI couldn't do these things. This allowed them to count users as people for advertising revenue. This industry has long suffered from fraud, but because not enough information is generally provided its been an uphill battle given the opaqueness of the numbers.
With GPT's release they can no longer deny this, it was publicly available and people could easily engage so there was no longer any doubt.
Ad revenue has shrunk proportionally over time requiring ever more private information to be collected to be considered valuable. This is how surveillance capitalism works.
Now onto the question of how this can make them money? Instead of just static advertisements, imagine a bot that would occasionally insert (sponsor) into a conversation. If you sell it like that, they can charge more for the same slots, while mining the conversations for the valuable dossier elements that bring in a premium.
Inevitably though, this is a dead business model. When everyone knows everything about anyone, and its commonly available, there is nowhere else to go. That kind of society also ends up causing abuses because of false reasoning that normally accompanies permanent records. People don't change, they are exactly the same whether they are 35 or 8.
Obviously that last statement is not true because people have the capability to grow with time, but that doesn't prevent others from using it as a coercive element to their own benefit. An age of evil awaits, and such systems continue until the destructive dynamics turn inwards destroying itself, chaotically.
16 days ago [-]
CatWChainsaw 18 days ago [-]
That's a good primer, thanks. I hope we get through this bullshit to the wasteland quickly, it'll make it less painful.
trod1234 18 days ago [-]
I've just done a lot of research, and been in a position to know how big data works.
Unfortunately it will be slow. One industry alone does not cause collapse, the corruption and blindness have infected most things by now. The nature of chaos is that you can't predict the outcomes with any degree of precision. You may know it will happen, just not exactly how it will happen. Like the fact that snowpack has built up (in an avalanche prone area), while not knowing what specific trigger (or movement) will cause the avalanche.
There's a better chance than not that by 2030 we will be at a point of no return for the currency due to money printing with no action taken, sooner if more money is printed.
Ponzi's all wind down the same, third stage outflows exceed inflows (debt growth exceeds GDP).
When it happens, the few remaining productive businesses will shut down because they can no longer make profit in terms of purchasing power. The remaining ones are fueled by a money-printer/unbacked debt and cooperate, cooperation lacks a core requirement to perform economic calculation. These are important because when no economic calculation takes place, we are effectively in a de-facto non-market socialist state.
From there we may have as long as 50 years circling the drain, or as little a 2-3. Its chaotic, but it inevitably comes after the point of no return along with the following typically in this order, Shortage, Sustaining short, to Slavery (when crisis realized), to Death (from famine).
Malthus works says more than half globally would die today when the food production which is brittle and dependent on order, breaks. The last working model and tech prior to modern methods only fed 4bn globally.
Acceleration-ism doesn't work. The people who properly prepare will survive this, and at the point that order or the rule of law have fully broken down those people will likely have to have a ruthless streak.
r9295 19 days ago [-]
I'm assuming it's similar to Spotify using session musicians to create ghost artists. Instagram won't need to pay actual creators since they own all the content created by these AI generated will be owned by them
CatWChainsaw 19 days ago [-]
I suppose, but I'm shocked that the numbers still come out ahead. Energy cost is way more intensive, and if everyone knows that it's Dead Internet and less and less reaches real consumers, why would anyone buy in?
add-sub-mul-div 19 days ago [-]
They're betting that the cost will come down. And that most users not having left Facebook/Twitter/Reddit as they've respectively deteriorated means they can put out any slop they want. Why wait for users to talk to each other when you can engineer the conversation and insert advertising into it?
GeoAtreides 18 days ago [-]
well, if the real users are not generating content or the content they do generate is not interesting enough...
nitwit005 18 days ago [-]
I suppose if the platform is already filling up with AI bot spam, they'll financially be better off if people are paying then to generate it.
But, it seems likely this will increase the rate of people exiting the platform.
trod1234 18 days ago [-]
The people who would have left these platforms for the dangers, have already left.
The remainder of people left on these platforms are those that lack the introspection or other natural abilities needed to notice and avoid situations in which torture can occur. They in effect volunteer themselves for such torture without their knowledge, and yes this is just as described.
Distorting reflected appraisal in an inconsistent way breaks people's minds. The mere exposure is harmful, and the more exposure occurs the greater the effect. There is no defense aside from limiting exposure with this blindspot.
They have already been called out for bots taking over, before they could claim that each username was a person for purposes of advertising but that is no longer profitable with the greater scrutiny.
These watering holes have already become pools of toxic bot-driven torture. They are just bringing it somewhat more out into the open now that they can no longer claim it isn't happening.
The people involved are quite evil, and a characteristic attribute of evil people is that they are blind to the consequences of their actions. They accept and plan for destructive outcomes for short term profit.
If you don't want to take this at face value, feel free to look up the books from respected experts in this subject matter. Robert Lifton, and Joost Meerloo. Robert Cialdini covers the psychological blindspots used as levers, though distorted reflected appraisal is not covered in significant detail.
They cover brainwashing, torture, and cult deprogramming. They cover the foundations of these things, the limits of rational thought and how psychological stress and trauma overrides it, and how structured methods are used. What is covered easily applies to these platforms.
nitwit005 18 days ago [-]
I do not believe this sort of rant is helpful.
trod1234 18 days ago [-]
Rest assured what I said is helpful to the intended target audience.
If you believe that, then you probably aren't included in that group.
Observations and references to experts and other once common knowledge aren't rants.
If you can't see how this would be useful, you have my condolences. The future is going to be a rough road for the blind.
bdangubic 18 days ago [-]
of course it is not… :) too funny as well cause like more than half of the planet uses meta’s app every single they, this mate makes it sound like everyone’s gone and few that are left are masochist :)
bamboozled 18 days ago [-]
Why I deleted Instagram, it was already a big enough waste of time looking at people's content, I just can't bring myself to look at AI generated content for hours on end.
vouaobrasil 19 days ago [-]
> Mark Zuckerberg's tech behemoth Meta seems less and less interested in the social aspects of social media
Why would they ever be interested in any "social" aspects at all? Meta is a vile company bent only on maximizing scrolling addiction. Including social elements is just one convenient way to do so. None of these big tech companies would hesitate to even exterminate all of humanity, if they had the means to do so and get away with it.
With GPT's release they can no longer deny this, it was publicly available and people could easily engage so there was no longer any doubt.
Ad revenue has shrunk proportionally over time requiring ever more private information to be collected to be considered valuable. This is how surveillance capitalism works.
Now onto the question of how this can make them money? Instead of just static advertisements, imagine a bot that would occasionally insert (sponsor) into a conversation. If you sell it like that, they can charge more for the same slots, while mining the conversations for the valuable dossier elements that bring in a premium.
Inevitably though, this is a dead business model. When everyone knows everything about anyone, and its commonly available, there is nowhere else to go. That kind of society also ends up causing abuses because of false reasoning that normally accompanies permanent records. People don't change, they are exactly the same whether they are 35 or 8.
Obviously that last statement is not true because people have the capability to grow with time, but that doesn't prevent others from using it as a coercive element to their own benefit. An age of evil awaits, and such systems continue until the destructive dynamics turn inwards destroying itself, chaotically.
Unfortunately it will be slow. One industry alone does not cause collapse, the corruption and blindness have infected most things by now. The nature of chaos is that you can't predict the outcomes with any degree of precision. You may know it will happen, just not exactly how it will happen. Like the fact that snowpack has built up (in an avalanche prone area), while not knowing what specific trigger (or movement) will cause the avalanche.
There's a better chance than not that by 2030 we will be at a point of no return for the currency due to money printing with no action taken, sooner if more money is printed.
Ponzi's all wind down the same, third stage outflows exceed inflows (debt growth exceeds GDP).
When it happens, the few remaining productive businesses will shut down because they can no longer make profit in terms of purchasing power. The remaining ones are fueled by a money-printer/unbacked debt and cooperate, cooperation lacks a core requirement to perform economic calculation. These are important because when no economic calculation takes place, we are effectively in a de-facto non-market socialist state.
From there we may have as long as 50 years circling the drain, or as little a 2-3. Its chaotic, but it inevitably comes after the point of no return along with the following typically in this order, Shortage, Sustaining short, to Slavery (when crisis realized), to Death (from famine).
Malthus works says more than half globally would die today when the food production which is brittle and dependent on order, breaks. The last working model and tech prior to modern methods only fed 4bn globally.
Acceleration-ism doesn't work. The people who properly prepare will survive this, and at the point that order or the rule of law have fully broken down those people will likely have to have a ruthless streak.
But, it seems likely this will increase the rate of people exiting the platform.
The remainder of people left on these platforms are those that lack the introspection or other natural abilities needed to notice and avoid situations in which torture can occur. They in effect volunteer themselves for such torture without their knowledge, and yes this is just as described.
Distorting reflected appraisal in an inconsistent way breaks people's minds. The mere exposure is harmful, and the more exposure occurs the greater the effect. There is no defense aside from limiting exposure with this blindspot.
They have already been called out for bots taking over, before they could claim that each username was a person for purposes of advertising but that is no longer profitable with the greater scrutiny.
These watering holes have already become pools of toxic bot-driven torture. They are just bringing it somewhat more out into the open now that they can no longer claim it isn't happening.
The people involved are quite evil, and a characteristic attribute of evil people is that they are blind to the consequences of their actions. They accept and plan for destructive outcomes for short term profit.
If you don't want to take this at face value, feel free to look up the books from respected experts in this subject matter. Robert Lifton, and Joost Meerloo. Robert Cialdini covers the psychological blindspots used as levers, though distorted reflected appraisal is not covered in significant detail.
They cover brainwashing, torture, and cult deprogramming. They cover the foundations of these things, the limits of rational thought and how psychological stress and trauma overrides it, and how structured methods are used. What is covered easily applies to these platforms.
Observations and references to experts and other once common knowledge aren't rants.
If you can't see how this would be useful, you have my condolences. The future is going to be a rough road for the blind.
Why would they ever be interested in any "social" aspects at all? Meta is a vile company bent only on maximizing scrolling addiction. Including social elements is just one convenient way to do so. None of these big tech companies would hesitate to even exterminate all of humanity, if they had the means to do so and get away with it.
i think you know you're not wrong though, haha.